Chapter 12: Bartolomeo

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Chapter 12: Bartolomeo

Year: 1486


“How long is it going to take for Antonio’s thief to get here?!”

“Ah, look, here he comes now.” I said as I put my hand up in the direction the thief was coming from.

  The thief ran to us and the started talking.

“Ezio! Jessica! Ser Antonio wished to speak with you.”

“Grazie for the message.” I said to the thief

  The thief nodded his head and then walked off. I looked towards Ezio and we started walking in the direction of the thieves guild. We walked for a few minutes before Ezio spoke up.

“What happened to you the night of Marco’s death?”

  I shrugged my shoulders. I looked over to Ezio before answering. “One of the guards got me. Deep enough wound I needed stitches but not deep enough for me to notice.”

“I guess it is good you found it when you did.”

“Sì, I feel bad for ruining Teodora’s dress but I guess I am alive, that’s the good thing.”

  Ezio nodded his head and then we continued to walk. Since Marco had been killed, they have discussed a new Doge and I have a feeling, this is why Antonio wants us. It will also be nice to talk with Rosa again. It has been too long since I have seen her. I smiled at the thought of seeing Rosa again. We made it to the entrance of the thieves guild. We walked inside and saw Antonio talking with Agostino. Hopefully, new Doge.

“Ah! There you are! Come, I’d like you to introduce you to an . . . associate. This is Agostino Barbarigo –soon to be Doge of Venezia –thanks to you.”

  Agostino bowed and so did Ezio. He put a fist to his chest and bowed. I walked over beside Antonio.

“È un onore fare la vostra conoscenze, illustrissimo. [it is an honor to make your acquaintance, Doge] I am sorry for the loss of your brother.”

“He had it coming. He was brought and paid for by the Borgia, a mistake I have no intention of making.” he gestured to himself

  I stepped beside Ezio again as Antonio moved to Ezio and put a hand on his shoulder.

“Come! We have much to discuss.”

  We walked up to the stairs leading to the upper level of the thieves guild. We started to walk up the stairs when I heard a familiar voice call out for me.

“Hey, forget me?!”

  I turn around to see Rosa standing at the bottom of the stairs. I smiled at her and then looked to Ezio. I nodded my head in the direction that Antonio and Agostino.

“Go, I’ll be right there.”

  He headed back up the stairs to catch up with Antonio and Agostino. I ran down the stairs to get hugged by Rosa. I hugged her back and then looked at her.

“Ten years seems like nothing!” I exclaimed

“Ha, maybe for you –here it has been difficult. Templars have taken over Venezia for a while now. I was so close to going out to France just to be with you and away from all of this.”

  I looked around the thieves guild.

“But your struggles have brought you this.” I put my hands out to the sides to show the place

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