❄Chapter 12❄

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Jack's POV
The dance is the day after tomorrow and I have no idea what to do. I'm kinda in a major dilemma. Well, okay fine. It probably isn't so major to anyone else, but it is to me. I needed a place to think. I would normally go to mine and Elsa's spot with Elsa but I can't do that. This is about Elsa, so I can't talk to Elsa about Elsa. I had to resort to the next best thing, the park. I went to the park and saw little children on the swings and on the slides. I remember when I used to do that. When times were easier. It was my favorite thing to do because Elsa would also come to the park with me so we would always play together. Those were the good days. I looked around for a place to sit. Most of the benches and tables were taken by other people, so I decided to sit on the edge of the sidewalk.

Now I'm stuck. My mind says I like Elsa as a friend but I'm pretty sure my heart is telling me to tell her how I feel. I mean you know, that'd be great. That is if I really knew how I felt. My mom is 100% sure that I am in love with Elsa. How does she even know for sure? Like is she some kind of love expert or something? It's all so confusing because, in a way, I think mom is right, but how can I be sure? What if I tell Elsa how I feel and she doesn't feel the same? What if it goes wrong? What if she thinks I'm dumb? Ahh I'm tired of all these 'what ifs'. I want someone to hand me all the answers to my questions on a silver platter. I want-

"Hey Frost. What's up?" Said the voice that brought me back to reality. I looked up and was surprised at the face I saw. It was Merida. "The sky." I said trying to be annoying. "Seriously?" She said. "Why are you even talking to me? I thought you didn't like me. What are you doing here anyways?" I said. "Well, I brought my little brothers to a park. You know, for kids. The last time I checked, I was pretty sure you were a senior. And compared to all these kids, you look like a senior citizen." She said then laughed. I'll admit, that made me laugh too. "Thanks, Merida." I said. "For?" She said. "You made me laugh. I'm kind of bummed out right now." I said. "All I did was make fun of you, nothing out of the ordinary." She said. "Yeah, but still." I said. Then she sat down next to me.

"I saw you all by yourself and you looked sad," She said. "So what's got you all worked up? Obviously, it's not rapunzel" She said then laughed. "Ha ha very funny. And no, it's not her. Its-" I was about to say, Elsa, then I realized that she is friends with Elsa so I had to make her promise. "Wait, you have to promise you won't say anything to anyone," I said. "I promise." She said. "I.....I..I think I li...IthinkIlikeElsa." I said quickly. "*gasp* FOR REALS?!! DON'T BE JOKING WITH ME RIGHT NOW FROST!" She said, very loudly. "No, I'm not joking. Now shut up." I said trying to make her less loud. "This is great!! Wait til Elsa finds out!!" She said standing up. "Yeah......WAIT WHAT?! NOO! She can NOT find out!" I said. By now lots of people were looking at us.

She looked at me in disbelief, "What?? Why not?!" She said in a loud whining tone. "Because! I- I don't want her to hear from someone else. I don't even know if I'm going to tell her. I don't even know if it's real! I don't want our friendship to be ruined!" I said. "How in the world could that happen?!" She said. "What if she doesn't like me back? If that happens, it'll break me. It'll be awkward between us. She might find a new best friend." I said. "That could never happen. Elsa loves her friends too much to let that happen. Nothing can come between her and her friends. And that's because you're her best friend." She said. "So what should I do?" I asked. "Do what your heart tells you. It can't be that far from the truth." She said. "Yeah, but how?" I asked.

She thought for a moment, "I have a plan. Come to my house tomorrow after school.." she said. "Okay but-" I said but she cut me off. "Oh and bring Hiccup." She said. "Okay, but why?" I asked. "Frost, you ask way too many questions. If you want this to work, just do as your told." She said. "Yes mom." I said in a sarcastic tone. "Watch it, Frost." She said giving me her "shut it or imma punch you" face. "I gotta go. I need to take my brothers back home. Start building up the courage to tell Elsa how you feel. Trust me, this will work." She said before walking away. "Don't forget to bring Hiccup!!" She said to me before getting her brothers in her car. "Byee Frost!!" She yelled before getting in her car. "Byee Red!!" I said before she closed the door.

♡☆next day {last period}♡☆

(Jack texting Hiccup)
J: Meet me after class by the front doors.
H: Why?
J: Just do it.
H: Fine.
(End of texts)

I heard the bell ring so I got out of my seat and left the gym. We weren't doing anything in P.E. so it was pretty boring, but that's fine, because I don't like doing anything. Anyways I went to the front doors and waited for Hiccup. "Hey." He said. "Hey. Come with me." I said. "Okay, where?" He said. "Just come." I said walking out the doors and to the school parking lot. I know hiccup walks to school so he doesn't have a car here so it's all cool. "Need a ride home?" I said. "Uh...yeah, sure. Thanks." He said. "No problem." I said. I got my phone out to text Merida we were on our way

What I told hiccup wasn't too far from the truth. I asked if he needed a ride home so I'll take him. Just....after we're done at Merida's house. And I'm pretty sure Merida wants hiccup because he has the brains to help us come up with a plan. We got to Merida's house and Hiccup was confused. "Uh Jack, I'm pretty sure this isn't my house." He said. "I know. Just come." I said. We walked to the front door and knocked. Merida opened the door and invited us in. We sat on the couch.

"Okay, what am I doing here?" Hiccup asked. "Yeah, what is he doing here?" I asked. "Okay, I have a plan. And for it to work, we need Hiccup." She said. "Why?" Hiccup and I asked. "Obviously because he is part of the prom committee. He knows what goes where, who goes where, and what's going on. We need him to help us out." She said then looked at him. He thought about it but then she said, "So it's settled. You're going to help us out with this plan because I'm your prom date so you can't say no or I say no and not go to prom with you, so are you in or are you in?"

"I guess I'm in." He said. "Great. So here's what we're gonna do." She said. She laid out a big piece of paper on the coffee table. Okay wow, she really thought this through. "First things first, hiccup, you're going to stall the band who is supposed to play for prom around half time I guess you can say. Then, Jack, you're going to get on stage and sing...to Elsa of course." She said. She was about to say something else but I stopped her. "Sing what exactly?" I asked. "Come on Jack, I can't do everything. That's for you to do. This is going to be you telling her that you love her and that you want her to be with you. That's not something I can do for you. It's something you have to figure out on your own. You have to figure out what song shows how you feel about Elsa. Trust me, she'll love it." She said.

"Why do you care? We don't really talk, so why do you care?" I asked. "Jack, I care because Elsa's one of my best friends and I want her to be happy. I know anyone who likes her and is not that jerkface Hans, is way better. For it to be you is like the best thing in the world for her. I see the way she looks at you and she might not know it, but she's always liked you. It's pretty obvious, you can ask anyone. Right Hiccup?" She said. Then looked at Hiccup and he nodded. "Oh. Wow. Okay then, continue explaining." I said. I didn't know how much Merida cared. "Okay so after you sing to Elsa, they're going to announce king and queen. I probably shouldn't do this but since my prom date is part of the committee, it's totally fine. I'm going to mess with the votes. I'm gonna cheat." She said. "Cheat?" I asked. "Whoever wins, won't win. You and Elsa will. Because of me." She said. "What?! You can't do that! That's against the rules." Hiccup said. "Hiccup, please don't argue. If you do, you won't have a date." She said. "Okay, so then what?" I asked. "Oh, hiccup will have to go by himself." She said. "Not about that. About the plan." I said. "Oh. Right. Elsa and you will have the king and queen dance. Then you tell her how you feel and ask her to be your girlfriend. And then you guys live happily ever after." She said with a smile pleased with her plan. "Oh, I don't know if I'm ready for that." I said. "Well, you have to be because the dance is tomorrow." She said. "Okay then." I said.

"Alright, next order of business. Do you have a tux?" She asked. "Uh no." I said. "Okay. Hiccup!" She said looking at Hiccup. "What?" He asked. "Take jack to rent or buy a tux." She said. "Okay." He said. "Great. After tomorrow, Elsa will be your girlfriend. Aren't I awesome?" Merida said. "Yeah totally awesome.." I said not knowing if I'm completely ready for this.

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