Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Beautiful morning rays filter into my room. And burn my retinas.

"Gah!" I exclaim sitting up. I'm sure it's around noon which is weird because I don't normally sleep in. Last night was pretty stressful for me. I didn't even realize that I had stayed asleep for most likely an hour with the sun searing my face until I woke up seeing yellow.

A dizzy sensation overcomes me. I sat up too fast. Groaning, I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and try to stand. I fall. That goshdarn girl pile. I thought I threw that under my bed last night.

Wait...Last night.

Wide awake now, I run to the bathroom to get clean. What happened last night?! Okay, calm down and think. I was cleaning, when Leal walked in. He dropped the family bomb on me. I have a brother... Angry, I had stomped around my room (most likely shifting everything in it, which explains the pile whereabouts), and started crying. Not my proudest moment. Leal comforted me, and almost kissed me...

...Wait, what?!

Throwing cold water on my face I go over what happened last night again.

And again.

It still doesn't make sense. Glancing at the mirror, I notice pink cheeks. No, no, no. I don't have a crush. I'm just flattered, I mean, I've never really had much male attention. I just don't know how to react. Right? I mean, I've had crushes before, and they had crushes back, but they never went beyond the crush stage. This is most definitely not a crush. It can't be.

I splash more cold water on my face for good measure.

"Hello, Adrianna!" A voice yells from my bedroom door. I run to the girl pile, thankful I left it out for once and quickly get dressed in the first clothes I grab (okay, I'm not naked, I was just taught that pajamas are for when you sleep, not for when you have guests). Thankfully, it was sweatpants and a sweatshirt and geez, that person pounds on the door with a lot of force.

"Hold your horses!" I yelp trying to brush out my knotty hair. Oh this is ridiculous, I'll just put it in a messy bun. While I wrestle with my hair, the knocking persists. Should I even call it knocking at this point?

As I wade my way to the door I do my best to kick random stuff somewhere more hidden. Night rampages do wonders for your bedroom.

"Adri!" The voice calls growing impatient.

"Give me a second!" I growl throwing bras every which way. Leal really came in at a bad time last night.

The door swings open on it's own accord and the person stares in my room watching an annoyed girl start to re-wrestle with hair that just seems to like falling out uncontrollably.

"Grandma!" I yell freeing my hands and rushing to her with my arms wide open.

"Didn't I teach you anything about manners?!" She demands and karate-chops me on the head.

So to explain, she isn't really my Grandma as you probably have already figured but she is like family to me. Grandma was the ex-headmaster (and proud of it) of the Academy because she had a 'different' way of disciplining children (believe me, I know). A few months before she got fired, she saw a little girl getting bullied and stuck up for her. I have no idea why she stuck up for me, (neither does she) especially since her policy is 'Kill or be killed'. Regardless, after that, she decided to take me under her wing, and stayed here with me for a few months after she got fired (They let her stay those extra months because she was old 'friends' with the new headmaster). She helped to raise me and help me stand on my own so I wouldn't get picked on as much and stopped crying. After she left, she visited at least once every month and then eventually once every six months.

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