Gone girl

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My name is Madison-Mason but I prefer to be called Maddie. I have a twin brother Josh who likes to abuse me and make fun of me. My parent are both workaholics and rich. I am always bullied because I am the 'nerd' of the school just because I am good in my classes. The main people who bully me are the jocks like my brother and the head cheer leader along with her two minions. I have no friends so I am always alone. Though I do have pit bull named Blue who is very protective of me and is an amazing judge of character. For example the day before my brother started bullying he(aka Blue) started to growl at Josh.   I have had Blue since he was a puppy that was used for dog fights. It took a while for him to trust me but when he did he would never leave my side and would always protect me, he is now an adult.
I was woken up by the sound of my alarm clock. I couldn't stand the sound so without opening my eyes and through my alarm roughly across my room causing it to shatter. I would have to remember to get another clock. Today was Friday my favorite day of the week. This was because my brother usually isn't home all week end leaving me all alone on this huge Manson which I liked. I got out of bed heading to the bathroom to take a nice warm shower when I got out I put on skinny jeans with and oversized grey sweater and my doc martins. Then I through my long black hair into a messy bun and added mascara and eyeliner making my icy blue eyes pop along with my freakishly pal skin. I then brushed my teeth and ran down the stairs to the kitchen were Blue came running at me jumping up and down happily while I but his food in the dog dish. Then I got myself an apple and silently be-cane to eat it. When I was almost done with my apple my brother walked in the Kitchen ignoring me like he did every morning. Me and Josh even though we were twins looked nothing alike he was 6foot tall while I was 5'8. He was also extremely tan with brown hair and green eyes. He looked just like mom and dad tan with brown hair however he had gotten our mothers green eyes. I however looked nothing like the rest of my family I was sickly pal with dark black hair I did however get my fathers blue eyes even the mine were more icy looking then his. My brother simply got an energy bar before walking out to his lime green mustang and driving to school I soon followed but only in my black ram pick up truck. When I got out of my car the cool kids were all surrounding my brothers cat talking while the needs were by the trees and the emo kids were at the far side of the parking lot while other groups of students were together in the parking lot when the bell rank were then all able to go inside I went straight to my locker with my head low hoping not to be seen but sadly for me when I had just opened my locker it was slammed shut by the head cheerleader and number one school school slut Bri
"Look what we have here." She hissed in her annoying high pitched voice," the freak. Tell me slut where do you buy your cloths because I need to burn the store down ASAP." She then laughed walking away but not before knocking all the books in my hands on the ground. All around my students were laughing and calling me names like freak, slut, nerd,wast of space and many other things. I quickly picked up my books and made my way to class.
I had made it through the day so far with out anything bad happening to me and I was hoping it would stay that way. I went to the lunch line were I got milk and soup with a salad. I say at my normal table all by myself while reading a book call Hush,Hush(read it it's amazing written by Becca Fitzpatrick) when all of a sudden ice called water is being poured over the top of my head causing me to drop my book the entire lunch room was quit and everyone was looking at me and the the person behind me. I slowly turned around only to see the Queen Bitch Bri behind me smirking at what she had just don she then said."Sorry I didn't see you there." Even though I know she saw me and poured the water on my on purpose then she takes my milk and before I could move it was all over me I had tears in my eyes threatening to spill. "Aww is the little baby going to cry?" Bri says in a baby voice then the hot soup is poured over my head drenching I turn around to see my twin the one that should be protecting me, Josh. But no Josh is laughing his head off when he sees me making my tears fall silently down my face then between laughing fits he says,"Hey look at the the need is crying!" Before he starts laughing along with the rest of the lunch room. I did the only thing I could think of. I ran out of the lunch room but that wasn't enough I ran out of the school and straight towards my truck hopping in and driving straight back to the house I couldn't stop crying I walked in instantly meet with a happy Blue. But when he saw my face and tears he came up to me licking me and walking right next to me, so close that I could feel his warm fur against my legs.  I needed to get out of here. I had to leave. I had to change. I called my mom on her cell phone but she didn't pick up so I called on her work phone.
--phone convo--
"Yes baby? And why are you calling me mid day and at work?
"I have to ask you something and you weren't answering your regular cell phone."
my mother sighed before saying,"what do you need baby?"
"Well I was wondering if I could move to New York City for awhile?"
"New York City?!? That is across the country?!? Why would you want to move from California to New York?"
"Well I want to get a way for a while and start fresh find out who I am."
"Well ok but you have to sought everything out apartment school, things like that. Got it?"
"When do you leave?"
"late tonight I found a ticket and I am buying a place right now along with sighing up for school it's all on the black card(unlimited amount on money)."
"Ok baby call me when you get there I will tell your dad."
"Thanks mom.
--end of phone convo--
I back up a few things of clothing but since I was planning on changing myself I was going to get a new wardrobe. I packed up Blue things too like his toys,bed and dishes.  Before I left though I left a letter on my brother bed stating,
Dear Josh,
I am leaving home and I don't know when I will be back. This is because of you and your friends constant tormenting me. I couldn't stand it anymore. Your where my brother, my twin, my best friend at a time and I don't know why that changed I have done nothing wrong to you but your still ended up bullying me and physically and mentally beating me. I don't see you as a brother, or a twin, or a best friend anymore I can't even call you a stranger but simply my Bully.
With all my hate,
Madison-Mason Oliva Gear
I wasn't sad as a placed the letter on the bed I was angry I would come back but when I did I will be back for revenge for when the time is right. I got Blue and my luggage and walked out the door without a looking back.

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