Why I Stopped

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" Why did you stop" Tessa asked.
I stayed silent for a few moments. I was hoping they wouldn't ask this question. I was hoping they would just leave the topic be. But hoping is truly nothing in this world. Hoping is life a shooting star. They sent real.
Remi noticed my tense stance, "You don't have to answer it's ok if it's to hard." Her eyes were filled with worry. But I knew she had that itching feeling too, just like every one else. She wanted the full truth. Nothing more. Nothing less.
"No, it's ok you should know." I stayed silent for a few short seconds trying to put the words into sentences. Trying to get my untold story out of my mouth. "I should start at the beginning I guess." They all noded. I took a deep breathe trying to stay calm. "I was born into a rich family. My mom is a fashion designer and my dad is a agent. My brother is a classic jock. My twin brother actually. I was always different from them. They had tan caramel skin that only got tanner while in the sun. They had brown hair; bright green eyes almost like a puppies. Then their was me." I signed in longing,"I have sickly pale skin, black raven hair, and pale blue eyes. When I was younger me and my brother were so close. Almost attached at the hip. But when middle school hit we went different detections. He started playing basketball, football, and lacrosse; hanging out with all the cool kids. I was quite. I became the nerd of the school all because I wanted to actually focus on my work. All because I was smart and I wanted a future. The popular kids start to pick on me calling me name like nerd, wast of space, things like that. My brother however only watched from the sidelines as they called me that. As the called me fat and worthless. I got used to it. Same thing every day name calling and being pushed in to lockers." I paused reliving those memories.
"As I got older my brother depended on our parents money. I didn't want that though, I wanted to work for myself. I wanted to do something that was for me and me alone. So like any person seeking their own life I got a job." I smiled at this memory. "I saw a flyer for a gym saying they needed help. The gym was called The Ring Gym. The second I walked through those doors I saw bulky men with musels sweating and women running. I knew that this was an underground fighter gym. A man in his early 30's came up to me asking what I was doing in a place like this and I simply stated I saw the help wanted sign. I took Joe, the owner of the gym to actually agree but he said he saw a fire in me he had never seen before. He started me off working the front desk and manning the phone. I knew every members name by the 3rd week. I loved working there it was like a family. But a perk to working their was having the key so I could come in and work out train. So one night I couldn't sleep so I walked 10 miles to the gym and started working out using the punching bags, trenmile, and the wrestling ring. I guess I was so into it that I didn't see Joe watching me I till he started clapping. He said that he had never seen that fighter before for a newbie. After that he started trying me. And a quickly became the best in the gym surpassing everyone even Joe." I smiled once more at the fond memory.
"Not long after that he started putting me into underground fights first vs the women but once I beat them all easily he put me in matches against the men. And I just kept on winning and winning and winning. I felt unstoppable and I was. Then at school they didn't stop just mentally tourmenting me but they also started physically beating me. My own twin helping out too. Then of course once news got out about the unbeatable street fighter some people from my school started showing off making me having to put on face paint to hide my identity. Due to being physically broken all the time I ended up getting my nursing degree online so I could heal properly and avoid going to the hospital all the time." I frowned knowing very well what was going to happen next. "During one of my fights I ended up getting supper hurt 2 broken rips, a fractures hand/ wrist and a broken foot. I of course beat the guy by killing him though. That next morning though when I went to school I got the worst beating I have ever gotten from them. They ended up knocking 4 rips in, shattering my foot and fracturing my collarbone. I couldn't move I was in so much pain. I ended up calling Joe. He came picked me up and took care of me. He helped my fully heal and helped with rehab too." I was in tears at this rate.  "I,uh...I decided it was best at the time to stop fighting. I am however good to fight right now. But at the time there were just way to many risks."
They stared with tears in their eyes.
"Wow." The twins say at the same time.
They all came and hugged me. They were what mattered now. Them.

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