Chapter One

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Chapter 1

"We are gathered here today in St. Joseph's Chapel," Father Grim announces to us, the wedding guests. It's not everyday that a couple gets married in our small town of Loaden. But when a wedding does happen, we allow everyone to gather in the chapel as if it were a regular mass.

The chapel has an eery glow to it today, which is weird because the chapel is usually always glowing with bright colors. It could be because of the weather. Of all days, it decides to storm outside.

Don't get me wrong, I love the rain. I just don't like what happens when the weather gets dark and stormy.

You see, Loaden is a small town, but we aren't a great place to vacation in or stay in. We're a town filled with creatures you wouldn't want living amongst you. I'm talking vampires, witches, wizards, werewolves, demons, and any other creatures you can think of.

I, myself, am a witch, but I don't want anyone to know that. If anyone finds out I'm a witch, I'm done for. Loaden takes no shit from said creatures, and if the creatures are caught, they are exiled or executed. I would like to not be burned at the stake like they did in the Salem Witch Trials about two hundred years ago. We grew up since then, but we're a cautious town. We don't want anyone getting killed or hurt who is human.

I look around the pews to see just about everyone in the town here. Everyone is looking their best. Petticoats, long-tailed suits with pinstripes, gloves, expensive jewelry. We really go all out for a wedding.

Looking down at my own attire, I pull my corset up from my chest so my cleavage isn't as exposed. It's hard to breathe in these things, but I'm making it work. Short breaths are really helping me.

I feel a nudge on my arm, and I jolt my head to see Niobe giving me a look of concern. Niobe and I go way back to our childhood days, and it's amazing how we have even stayed friends for as long as we did. We've been friends for seventeen years, and not once did we fight or break up and make up. We just got over any issue we had and got along with our lives.

"You okay, Rose?" she whispers to me, making sure not to interupt the ceremony. I nod in response, and she returns her attention to Father Grim. I do the same.

"Do you, Helena, take Rodney to be your lawful wedded husband?" Father Grim asks the bride-to-be.

"I do," Helena smiles.

I missed their vows because of my roaming head. Just great!

"And do you, Rodney," Father Grim turns his head to the groom-to-be, "take Helena as your lawful wedded wife?"

"I most certainly do!" Rodeny exclaims, and the church roars in hushed laughter.

Father Grim chuckles as well, "By the power invested in me, I know pronounce you: Man and Wife," he smiles at the couple, "You may kiss the bride."

I've never seen a couple so into each other. The kiss they're sharing is so magical it could melt the hearts of any vampires out there.

You can hear the kids a few pews ahead of me gag and make disgusted noises, which makes me chuckle. So young and innocent.

Almost instantly, everyone begins to applaud the couple as they walk down the aisle towards the doors. We're all making our way to the ballroom now.

St. Joseph's is a manor of the sorts. It has multiple buildings all connected by small hallways. Whoever this saint was, he had some money to own this entire estate!

In the ballroom, the newly weds sat at a long table along with the bridal party. Wine or champagne is in every cup, excluding kids' cups of course, which is filled with juice instead. Everyone else sits wherever they can fit at the other smaller tables. Music's playing in the background, and everyone is having a great time. Including myself.

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