Kuroo x Kenma

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It's was Saturday night and I was hanging out with my best friend, Bokuto. I liked hanging out with him since we don't go to the same school so I don't see him everyday but I couldn't wait till Sunday, the one day of the week were I get to relax. That was my plan for tomorrow till suddenly a conversation I had with my boyfriend last week flooded my memory.
"Next Sunday is a release date for a game I've wanted for a long time, but I don't want to get up before dawn to stand outside in the cold."
"If you want it that badly then you would go get it."
"But there will be a lot of people and really cold, I don't do well with either of those things" Kenma pouted a little as he went back to his game.
I wasn't in the best mood that day because we just lost a practice match and I was kinda a jerk to kenma.
"It's settled" I stood up from the couch were I was previously sitting.
"What's settled?" Said Bokuto looking away from the tv.
"I'm going to wake up at 3am to wait in line at the game shop to get the game Kenma wanted"
"Bro it's going to be freezing cold, you sure you want to?"Bokuto was giving me a look that kinda looked like he was concerned but also confused.
"Of course I want to, he was telling me how much he wanted it and I was a jerk about it. I wasn't paying attention and I feel like a horrible boyfriend, I have to make it up to him."
"If you feel bad then get him flowers, not go stand outside in winter at 3am."
"Maybe flowers would work for Akaashi, but Kenma likes 3 thing. Video games, volleyball, and apple pie."
"Then make him a pie or buy him one."
"Bro you don't understand, you've never seen the way his eyes light up when he gets a new game or the small smile that won't leave him lips for hours as he plays or when he mumbles under his breath about how stupid the game is when he dies or something doesn't go right. It's a sight most people don't see but it's one that I love so much."
"Okay, have fun freezing your ass off." Bokuto got up and walked to the door "don't text me complaining about how cold it is."
"Whatever man." I waved to him as he walked out the door.
I grabbed my phone and checked the time, 10pm. I should go to bed now if I have to get up at 3. I walked to my room and laid down. After a few minutes I was out cold.
It only felt like 2 hours after I fell asleep that my alarm was blaring in my ear.
I turned it off and slowly sat up, it was 3am and I had to get ready as quickly as possible. After a few minutes I was ready to go, I put put on my coat and made my way to the game shop.
After 10 minutes of walking I was there, their was about 30 or so people in line. I walked to the back of the line, and now started the long wait.
After about 6 hours of waiting the line finally started moving, their was now about 40 people behind me. It was around 8:30 when I finally got inside the store and was able to get a copy of the game. I couldn't help but smile as I walked out, I could just imagine the look on Kenma's face when I give this to him.
As I was walking to Kenma's house I couldn't stop smiling.
After a few more minutes of walking I was at Kenma's house, I put the game in my coat pocket and knocked on the door.
A few seconds later Kenma slowly opened the door.
I couldn't help but smile, his hair was a mess, I guess I woke him up.
"Kuroo why are you here this early, you're supposed to sleep in in Sundays."
"I had to get up early to do something and I decided to come see my beautiful boyfriend."
"You know I don't wake up this early." he started making his way back to his room, I followed and when we got to his room he laid back down on his bed.
I sat next to him and was able to sneak my hands under his shirt, I was standing outside for 6 hours they are freezing.
"KUROO!" He quickly sat up.
"What? It's cold outside and you've been wrapped up in blankets all morning so I thought you would be warm" I couldn't help but laugnt a little "and I was right" I pulled him into a hug and slipped my hands under his shirt and placed them on his bare back.
"Kuroo your such a jerk sometimes."I felt his small arms wrap around me and I kissed the top of his head.
"You shouldn't call me a jerk, I have a present for you but if I'm a jerk then you don't get it." I pulled away.
"You got me a present? What is it?"
I smirked "I'll give it to you but I need a kiss"
"I guess that can be arranged" Kenma wrapped his arms around my neck and slowly closed the gap between us. After a few seconds he pulled away.
"Awe come on, that's all I get."
"Yes, what's my present?"
"Maybe that was your present."
"Lame." he grabbed his psp off the desk and started playing.
I got up and walked to were my coat was hanging, I grabbed the game from the pocket and hid it behind my back. I walked back over to the bed and stood in font of Kenma.
He looked up at me "can I help you?"
I held out the game "Sorry for being a jerk last week when you were talking about how you wanted this game, I felt really bad so I woke up at 3 to go wait in line to make sure I got it for you. Forgive me?"
"Kuroo" he grabbed the game from my hands, and I saw his eyes light up. "I wasn't upset with you so you don't need to be forgiven, but thanks a lot."
"Anything for my kitten." I sat down on the bed and pulled kenma into my lap. I snaked my arms around his waist and watched him play over his shoulder. He was smiling, the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. I couldn't wish for anything better than what I have right now.

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