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​My family was ruined all because of me.

​"My family was ruined all because of me. I killed them all. It was all my fault. My family was ruined because of me."

​I caught myself reiterating those words to myself in a hushed, monotone whisper and I forced myself to stop. Coming back into the present, fresh tears burned in my eyes. They were burning for those refreshed memories that this monster had implanted in my head. I knew that he had control of me now, no matter how much I despised the idea.

​"Go get 'em Princess," he hissed into my ear before disappearing out of sight.

​I knew he was still there though, somewhere, along with all the others, probably laughing silently at how helpless I was. I pushed through the heavy wooden door of the lavatory and made my way back into my sister's room, to see her still waiting for me in her hospital bed, her soon-to-be deathbed.

​I killed many other random people afterwards and continued that week, probably out of confusion and frustration. I was sure to be cautious as to try not to leave marks or clues, but I was pretty certain that soon it wouldn't matter anymore. I knew they had turned me into a homicidal freak who desperately needed to be thrown into an asylum. They've brainwashed her, the old Maeve that I used to know. I wasn't anything that I used to be, and even though before I've only had bits and pieces of a broken heart, it was still a heart, until they infected it and turned it dark and twisted. I was still in the murderous trance they had set me in, only allowing me to release bits and pieces of my old self at rare times as they urged me on every day.

​One night I woke with a start, and the first thing I realized was that they were gone. They left without a trace, silently and unexpected as they came. The next thing was that I was my old depressed self again, and shortly after discovering this, the feelings, emotion and guilt hit full-force, dropping on me all at once like a bomb. Recollection of the recent events rolled in, and I thought of my best friend, oh sweet Delilah who had been my around since we were in diapers, she who always tried to lead me to do the right thing, but also to take risks once in a while. My mind drifted to the violent death of Dillon, my loyal, caring boyfriend and childhood friend. Then came innocent little Skylar, my little sister that I loved since forever. We had barely fought, and always took care of each other and helped each other out. She was the perfect sister, and I hit my head into the wall as I realized my entire family and my two closest friends were gone. No, they weren't just gone. They were brutally murdered by yours truly. I couldn't take it anymore. I poured my heart out onto paper, then darted out of my room and out the front door, not bothering to close it as it swayed lightly with the warm spring breeze. I went wherever my legs were taking me, as I thought of all those other people who probably had families and children and friends and loved ones. Before realizing it, I had reached the bridge. The bridge that I had swore I'd never come back to. So why did I lead myself here now?

​Staring into the blackness underneath me and hearing the water rush under the bridge, I strapped rocks to my ankles, took a quick breath, and plunged into the blood-warm water that seemed too familiar for comfort.


How did you like it? I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did while writing it!

I'm actually not mentally disturbed, or depressed or anything like Maeve, she is made up and I just like to write about dark topics, they seem to come out better for me. I really hope you liked it!❤️

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