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​Its words were like poison in my brain, and my mood immediately changed. I realized I could talk now, "And why would I do that?" I giggled, and after deciding it was a he, as I ran my lips over his.

​Wait what. No!

​I snapped out of it, and before I could let out a cry for help, his hand flew back over my mouth. "I wouldn't do that, Princess," he threatened. I could see him snicker in the reflection of the mirror as he leaned forward. "Now," his hollow voice whispered, "Listen up because I'm going to tell you why you're going to do as I say and kill the girl. Besides, you shouldn't have a problem with it. You already took the life of two people who you loved directly; another should be easy." He cackled, "And besides it wouldn't be the first time you damaged your family, and not to mention that she probably secretly hates you for everything you had done to her. Put her out of her misery," he whispered as he started bringing back all the memories that I so strongly wanted to forget.


​"Hey mom," I sobbed through the phone, "can you and dad come pick me up please? You were right, I shouldn't have come, I should've listened and stayed home...yes, I know...yes mom thank you and I'm so sorry...I love you more, bye." I ended the call. Tonight was a mistake, I shouldn't have come to the party, got drunk, do the things that I never would've done sober. Most importantly, one of my friends had disappeared... I couldn't help but think that the occurrence was my fault. I had pulled her outside to dance in the moonlight, I had let her out of my sight and when I came back she was gone. Everyone was drunk as well, so I didn't bother to mention it. A black BMW pulled up, and my parents came out to check on my condition. I broke out into tears as she held me tight and pulled me into the backseat with her. We started home, and as we approached the bridge connecting out town with this neighboring one, a truck appeared out of nowhere with their headlights off, and my dad, trying to swerve away, instead brought our car crashing over the short wooden rails and into the open mouth of the water. Dad was knocked out immediately, even after the airbag had sprung open in front of him. My mom and I exchanged horrified looks, both uncertain of what to do. I knew without a doubt that my mom would try to save me, as the water started to swallow us after we had floated for a short while. I knew that I should save my parents; I owe it to them. Mom suddenly scrambled to the front seat, and pulled out the emergency device that we kept in our car. She pulled of the safety knob and jammed the front of the device into the window. I heard the spring release and the glass shattered and spread into the water. She started to push me out as the water started to fill the car. "I got your father!"she yelled, "I love you." Unable to fully process, I shoved myself out and swam up and towards shore. When I finally dragged myself onto the wet grass, I waited for my parents to break through the surface of the lake. 5, 10, 15 minutes passed, and it slowly downed on me that they weren't coming. I suddenly realized that I left my unconscious dad, and mom, who didn't know how to swim, underwater... in a car. I screamed into the black night. How could I let this happen?!

​Eventually, after a few hours, another car pulled up on the side of the road near the entrance of the bridge, on the edge of the patch of grass where I sat. I heard a car door slam and seconds later a shadow loomed over me.

​"Hey Maeve," my brother's familiar voice greeted me softly.

​I couldn't face him. Not after what I had just done. He might not blame me, or there's a great possibility he would, just as I was blaming myself.

​"Hi Jace," I choked through my tears, failing to keep my voice from quavering.

​"Mae it's one in the morning, why are you sitting here crying? Did something happen?"

​I nodded, turning my tear-drenched face towards him. "Yeah, something did happen, Jace," I forced the lump in my throat down.

​"I don't understand," he replied, taking a seat next to me, "where're mom and dad? When you guys didn't return for such a long time, I tracked your phone, because I thought they'd be with you. And now I'm here. You seem to be alright, but where are our parents Mae?"



​"They're gone," I finally admitted after a long pause.

​"What do you mean 'they're gone'?" Jason questioned, I could hear the panic in his voice.

​I pointed to the lake with a shaking finger. "The car," was all I whispered, and my brother eventually came to realize what had just happened. He got up abruptly shortly after. Crinkles dominated his normally smooth face, and he offered a hand to me and I took it as more tears swam in my eyes. We drove in silence to the hospital and visited our little sister, and informed her of the dreadful occurrences of the night. We watched as she whimpered, knowing an innocent little girl should never have to hear something like this, especially at an age like so. Watching her break into a sob caused all of us to release the tears we've been holding since we came in, and we cried together as we knew that our lives would never be the same.

​I got a call from Delilah a few days later, telling me to go buy and read a copy of our town's weekly newspaper, and I wondered what could be so terrible that she would talk in such a quiet, sad tone.

​Little did I know that my brother was on the front page, under the headline: DRUNK TEEN JUMPS OFF LOCAL BRIDGE. I was speechless, just staring at the words and watching them blur as the salty tears filled my eyes. I've been crying way too much these past few days. This just adds to the burden. He had told me he was spending a day or two at a friend's house, but little did I know he was out drinking, and then ended his life by jumping off the bridge and into the river where my parents died as well. I was never going near that bridge again.


Sorry I had to write "flashback", in the actual story I didn't have to, because the whole moment was in italics. But you can't see italics on here I think so... (:

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