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                                                           Chapter 4 ;) 21-August-2016(Sunday)
Every Sunday becomes headache when you know that tomorrow would be MONDAY and Monday means a WORKDAY . These were my current thoughts when I was doing my work regarding to my field which is a LAW .it wasn't my dream to be a lawyer but some and certain dark spots in my life have imposed me to become what I don't want to be... After passing my B.Com in flying colours then my whole family was worried because they all had already known my next step which was to do a law but my father was opposing me by saying that in our country woman are not fully respected in this field and they are not granted their rights in order to see either its happen or not I have joined the law ,noway it was just a foolish reason the real reason is I really want to become lawyer since I was in 11 grade secondly  I also thought that my LOUD voice will be useful for those women whose voices are buried and those women are not able to demand their single right from their husbands ,families,and society so I will give them what they deserved ..A RIGHT TO LIVE ....

"Arsalah it's been 15 mins since I have put the glass of milk on table ,and you haven't drink it yet"

"Geeee mama ,have you said something ?i said by making my head up from the book which I was reading

" no I haven't said anything ,besides now Iam thinking that I will complain your father about you  "

"Why ,what I have done now ?i said by making innocent face ,and making my eyes wide

" you know it very well what you have done . On weak days you used to be in uni and on weekend you used to be in a charity house interning the children ,and just a Sunday which is a Fun day you have engaged yourself in studies and not giving the time to your family " she said it in just a one breathe

" so what you want me to do ,alone in this house i mean no one is here whom I do my fun with ,you have sent my and Ambreen baji's  only brother Ahsan Bhai to Sweden for studies, you just married my only sister Ambreen baji ,now I don't have any other sibling left so how can I enjoy my self lonely "

"That's why I and Ambreen are suggesting you to get MARRIED" she said it by taking me direct to the topic ..

"OH GOD!! No mom please not again ..I am totally fed up from this marriage topic you know my reasons very well and I guess I don't need to elaborate you over and over again " I said in a low tone so she can't get hurt

" yeah obviously I know your reasons , you don't want to get married so you can became the big lawyer of country who will fight for the rights of woman ,but you can become what you want to ,even after marriage " a pleasant suggestion from mama

" ohh really and do you know them ,their mentality ,their way of thinking do you know that will they allow me to get further education or order me to quit my studies , most importantly do we both knew that who they ARE"?

" I don't know any thing beta ! But why can't you remain positive"

" mama I have lost all my optimism when I saw the side affects of marriage in just grade 7 and mama you are one the who knew all the side affects so I don't need to explain it to you "I said by grabbing the book and acted like Iam REALLY busy in reading beside ..I wasn't ,as she was staring at me I had open the whole book and kept my in it face like Iam the only girl in the world who have a book to READ ....after a minute she wasn't able to bear my arrogant attitude she snatched a book from me close it and put it aside then said :

"Arsalah ,I don't know what is going in your mind but what I knew is that your behaviour currently is not suitable especially towards me ....I knew this new generation really like a frankly relation with the parents ...but there are some boundaries and limitations which we have to follow ...and today you have broke all the boundaries by talking rudely with me " she said in a angrily and commanding voice which really scared me because it is really difficult to bring back the old mood of mom

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