Chapter 2-

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Sarah and I were standing face to face with the Rock, you know Dwayne Johnson. Anyways we couldn't believe it.
As usual Sarah went nuts and started panicking like no tomorrow. I thought she was gonna like pass out or something.

"Take a chill pill, geeze", I tried telling her as quietly as possible.

"Fine, just take it easy Mary-joe" she ended up saying back with attitude. That was the most embarrassing thing ever and I began to turn red.

Anyways, the Rock introduced himself and we introduced our selves, he could clearly see how excited we were to be here and how big of fans we were because out of no where he asked us if we wanted to walk the red carpet with him and if we wanted to sit with him and the other actors in the cinema.

"OMG yes!!!!" I ended up screaming so loud that the people in San Fransisco could probably hear me or even better the people in Australia could probably hear me. Sarah started to freak out again and after about 5 minutes began to calm down.

After about 10 minutes of chatting we started to get going to the red carpet. It was the most amazing experience ever. There was a huge board behind us that had Central Intelligence written all over it and there were paparazzi and flashing cameras everywhere.
Duh why wouldn't there be its 2016 for goodness sake

I knew this was my chance to finally get my dream modelling career or in some ways better, become popular when I start my new school. I really hoped this would land me that dream and I was counting on it. As for Sarah she was just excited to be there and she knew it was her time to show off and show the world what she was made of, so I just let her have her fun for a little bit.

Sadly the red carpet was over after 15 minutes and we both made our way into the movie theatre. When we got in there we followed the Rock and went to sit at the front with the other actors. There were so many famous people there I was literally about to pass out. There was; Kevin Hart, Amy Ryan, Daniel Nicolette, Jason Bateman and of coarse Melissa McCarthy. It was basically like a dream come true being here and to be honest I actually thought it was one.

"Hey I'm gonna go get some pop corn, you want something." I asked Sarah before the movie started.

"Nah, I should be alright with my pods for now but thanks anyways" she replied back.

"All good" I said as I took off. When I got to the candy bar the line was so long I knew I was gonna be here for a while. While I was there there was this group of boys hanging around the bathrooms and one of them kept staring at me. Well you have to admit he is pretty cute. Back to the line and half an hour later. I finally reached the front and when I looked down at my watch to check the time I began to freak out because I knew the movie had already started, so I quickly grabbed my pop corn, coke and sour patch kids, paid and took off as fast as I could. Of coarse stupid me wasn't watching where she was going and ran straight into someone, and just my luck that someone had to be the cute boy in the group that wouldn't stop staring.

"OMG I am so sorry" well why wouldn't I be I had just spilt pop corn all over a cute guy.

"No, no it's fine I wasn't watching where I was going and by the way I'm Justin" he said back to me.

"Carla" I said back. " sorry I really have to go" I said grabbing my food and taking off.

"Sorry again" I started yelling down the corridor of the movie theatre.

I ran straight into the theatre and thank god the movie was only about 5 minutes in, but I heard they were the best parts.

"Where have you been" Sarah whispers in my ear.

I began to ramble. "So there was this really cute guy and the line was really long and I was still in line when the movie started and I rushed and ran and crashed into him and his name is Justin, got pop corn everywhere and yeah".

"Fine if you say so" she answered back focussing again on the movie.

The movie continued, we laughed so hard we all nearly got kicked out...

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