Chapter 4

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     Zara rolled her eyes after Marlo, who seemed to get on every single nerve she had. She handed the boys wrist bands before explaining. "Your aunts got you VIP access. So you can get on all the rides without waiting in line." Gray proved to be impatient, messing with the large TV. "Hopefully we won't be seeing that Grady girl for the rest of the day," Zara huffed out.

     "She's not that bad, she's cool," Gray defended Marlo. "She's just more outgoing than some people." He shrugged while Zara scoffs at him.

     "No-" Zach looked up at Zara. "He's right, she's not that bad." Gray nodded with him.

     "She's a nuisance, I don't know why Claire even hired her, she's a troublemaker and has a loud mouth. She doesn't know when to stop." She glanced down to her phone. "She has no respect for her elders or superiors, it was a good thing that she got hit, she had it coming." It was Zach's turn to scoff. "Excuse me?" Zara laughed harshly.

     "I'm pretty sure she's above you, you're just an assistant, after all, she works here with the dino's." Gray looked at his brother in slight shock.

     "Well, hopefully, one day when she turns her back on them it will be the last thing she does," Zara mumbled. Gray wanted to change the subject, with Zach already on his phone, he started messing with the TV again.

     "Let's go!" Gray spoke up. Zach, whose eyes were on his phone, flopped back down onto the bed.

     "Dude, she said we have to wait," he told Gray.

     "I don't wanna wait anymore." He ran over to the windows, and looked down at the park. Beyond the hotel room balcony, the sun burned bright onto the park, and, built beside the fences of the Mosasaur Lagoon stood the monorail. Standing big and proud, the Innovation Centre could be seen from a far along with the plaza below it with flourishing crowds of tourists walking back and forth to each attraction building, and the roof of the Innovation Centre showed part of the Helipad.


     The parks operation manager, Claire Dearing, continued talking to herself in the elevator. She tried memorising the names of people she's going to be meeting, and the fact that her nephews should be fine with Marlo, she silently prayed that Marlo hasn't left the boys alone or has been starting up any rumours or lies like she did with one of the kids she was forced to help find the parents of. Needless to say she was panicking slightly after the email she received from the parents, but she tried shaking it off, Marlo had matured since then...She hoped.

     "Hal Osterly, Vice-President...Jim Drucker, bad hair...Erica Brand, deserves better...Hal, Jim, Erica. Hal, Jim, Erica. And I am Claire. Marlo has the boys, Marlo has got this. I've got this." She looked at her wristwatch. The elevator dinged. "Three minutes late." She sighed, when the doors opened she took a deep breath. "Welcome to Jurassic World." A smile was on her face.


     The scientists were hard at work as visitors watched them through the convex windows. Claire led a small tour group consisting of three potential investors; Hal Osterly, Jim Drucker, and Erica Brand through the laboratory. The almost completely white lab had specks of blue on the machines and computers, people in white lab coats and blue medical shirts worked and walked around.

     "While year-over-year revenue continues to climb-" An incubator with multi sized eggs were being scanned. "Operating costs are higher than ever. Our shareholders have been patient, but let's be honest, no ones impressed by a dinosaur anymore." Claire walked through the middle of the hallway with large blue walls behind and people either side looking through the glass. "Twenty years ago, de-extinction was right up there with magic. These days, kids look up at a Stegosaurus like an elephant from the city zoo. That doesn't mean asset development has fallen behind. Our DNA excavators discover new species every year," she told them.

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