Chapter 11

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     "Paddock 11, this is Control! You need to evacuate the containment..." Vivian chimed in over the radio frantically. However, Vivian's voice came through Nick's radio all garbled. "...Area...Paddock 11...Paddock 11, do you copy?" Nick answered. He doesn't seem concerned, although Owen was already glancing around, suddenly uneasy.

     "Yeah, what's the problem?" Nick remained causal.

     "It's in the cage! It's in there with you!" She remained frantic however. Nick looked confused. Owen sprung into action.


     Owen pushed passed Nick and then the three men began running for the door they entered through. Nick was slow and lagged behind. Suddenly he stopped, glimpsing the outline of the Indominous Rex through the trees. Turning, he ran back the other way. Owen and Ellis skidded to a halt as the Indominous Rex emerged from the jungle and blocked their escape. It bellowed forth a mighty roar. The two turned and ran back the way they came, but Ellis wasn't fast enough. The Indominous Rex snatched him up in her clawed hands.

     He screamed.

     Masrani, Lowery and Vivian listened to Ellis' screams over the radio.

     They were able to hear crunching sounds.

     A horrified Claire could also hear the sounds of Ellis dying.

     Reaching the back door, Nick used a handprint ID and a security code to override the door lock. The huge door began to open. Running to it, he hesitated, looking back at Owen who was running towards him with Indominous Rex right behind him. He sees the Indominous Rex with Ellis in her mouth. She ripped off one of his legs. Nick screamed and ran through the door.


     A video feed showed the paddock door opening with an alarm blaring 'SECURITY BREACH.'

     "Close the door," Masrani ordered.

     "We can't lock him in there with that thing!" Lowery looked at him as if he has gone crazy.

     "Come on, close it now!" He leaned over and pressed the button himself.

     "Somebody talk to me! What is happening?" Claire yelled into her phone as she was unable to witness the events for herself.


     The door began to slowly close as Owen ran towards it, with the huge predator gaining on him from behind.

     "Shit!" Owen hissed out. His feet pushed harder against the ground as he ran.

     He managed to run through the gate. Workers rushed around in a wild panic, trying to escape, as the Indominous Rex got halfway through before the door closed on her. Her head and one arm stuck out free and she snapped her jaws at Owen. He ran and skidded underneath the crane, where he lied hiding on his stomach. The Indominous Rex pushed the door off of its track with the servos whining in protest and then stepped out from inside the paddock, freed.

     Owen watched, wide-eyed, as the Indominous Rex stomped over to where Nick was sitting in front of a pickup truck. She walked around the left side as Nick, mustering his courage, peered around the right front bumper. He whimpered and sobbed as he saw the huge tail disappearing around the rear of the truck, he then turned back around, trying to hide. He clutched and kissed a crucifix.

     Suddenly the truck was violently knocked aside, flying through the air and crashing noisily to the ground upside-down, leaving the supervisor sitting out in the open completely exposed. He and Owen looked at one another for a long moment. Suddenly, the jaws snapped down, grabbing Nick and lifting him up out of Owen's view.

SURVIVORS ↠ ZACH MITCHELL ✔️ [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now