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I took two pills. Then three more, then two more, until I cleared the bottle.
[12:00 AM] cheolie: you okay?
read 12:00 AM
I downed a swig of vodka, leaning against the wall.
Then two more.
[12:23 AM] cheolie: hello??
[12:37 AM] cheolie: no you're not I'm nearly there
I ignored the messages as the appeared on my screen, not even bothering to read them.
I heard a few knocks on my door as I swayed in and out of consciousness. The knocks got louder and more urgent but I didn't even move.
"Goodnight, Seungcheol."
"Thank you for caring"
As my vision went dark I barely caught Seungcheol kicking the door in and running to me. He picked me up in his arms.
"Sorry," was all I could manage as I lost consciousness.

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