to you

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choi seungcheol,
my love
the boy who saved me
I'm sorry
I can't handle what my own inner demons are doing to me
I love you so much
I never knew I was capable of caring
of loving
anyone this much
you make me smile
you make me laugh
you bring light to my life
and I thank you for that
but I cannot avoid this forever
I am so so sorry
find someone who can fight off their demons and help you with yours
find someone who loves you just as much as I always will (if that is even possible)
find someone who will kiss you at every slight accomplishment
who will cuddle every night
who will appreciate you and care for you
you deserve better than what I am able to give you
(than what anyone is able to in fact)
there is nothing you could've done to prevent this
and I am sorry if I ever made you think you could
I love you, my prince

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