Chapter 14

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Maybe i was exhausted or done fighting with the man, but i ended up falling into a deep slumber. Only until i was abruptly woken up by a strong kick to the left side of my body. My eyes shot open and quickly scanned the darkness around me. Cloth covered my eyes and my arms still were tied behind my back.

Lying on the cold floor i repeatedly felt pain from being kicked and scratched. All i could think at the moment was Why me.. What did i do to deserve such punishment?  Thinking back, i knew my father had been a part of a research program. He decided to conduct experiments in secret and rarely brought up what he actually intended to do.

Actually i never remember him ever bringing his research up with his family. He shut us out completely, working late nights into early mornings, ignoring the family which loved him extremely. Now i know why. His experiments brought controversy among other scientists. I'm guessing from the way these people decided to kidnap me and kill my parents, his decided to ignore their ideas and work solo. 

Another kick to my stomach caused me to gag and cough.

"Shut it will ya', professors comin' soon and you need to be on your best behavior, aight'"

i barely nodded, shivering at the mans touch. he removed my blindfold and sat me upright. Strangely he began fixing my long black hair, removing the strands which fell in my eyes.

"There ya' go, reminds me of my own daughter"

i flinched as he continued playing with my hair and gagged at the smell of his breath. Disgusting man. As he played with my hair i felt the vibrations of some sort of machine start up. Then a large doorway opened revealing a tall slender man in a  white pristine lab coat. He held onto a clipboard, hugging it tightly to his chest. The man in-front of me stood up quickly and marched towards the man in white.

"Edward, please leave for now, i need to speak with her alone"

The gruff man solemnly nodded and sauntered out of the doorway. Left alone with this man i began to feel extremely nervous. My heart rate sped up and i tried crawling backwards but realized i had no more strength. The doorway behind the man in white closed and the vibrations seized almost instantly. I shut my eyes and stared at the blackness.

Clip clop clip clop

Footsteps echoed throughout the small room. They became louder and louder until finally ending right before me. opening my eyes, i memorized the face which looked down in disgust on my frail body.

"My names Jeremy B. Kirate and today you will be helping me conduct an experiment that you're father had been working on for years."


"The potion for.. immortality... But recently i made a conclusion and i'm not sure you'll like it too well..."

he smiled sadistically and kneeled until our eyes met. Inches apart i could feel his hot breath.

"I need your blood... all of it"

All of my blood?? What??

"What? Wh-why me?"

My throat burned speaking but i managed to question Jeremy. He shot up quickly and stood with his back straight. Fiddling with his glasses he looked down at the clipboard in his hands and then back at me.

"Because, Jasmine, you're part demon. Demon blood is extremely rare and i need it."

Demon blood.. Me? Was father really a demon or perhaps mother?"

"What are you talking about?"

Jeremy ignored my question and flipped through a couple papers.

"looks like daddy forgot to mention his past to his only daughter, oh well"

Dropping the clipboard on the ground i noticed my father's face on the front page. He had an evil look in his eyes and red flames were lapping his body. Sharp claws, dangerously pointy teeth, and long black hair.. This wasn't my father... It was his true form and i never knew the truth. Jeremy laughed psychotically and scooped the clipboard into his hands.

"Oh poor girl, looks like you were ignored and shut in the dark all your life. Don't worry I'll end your life eventually after i finish my experiment, then you can be with your parents in hell."

tears began to sting my eyes. I held my head down and tried my hardest to fight the tears back. I cant let this crazy man get to me. If father is a demon he could have beaten him off, but he's gone. I don't know what to believe and frankly i don't want to believe this lunatic. I can fight but what's the point. Either way I'll die, at the hands of Jeremy or fighting to get out. Death is my only option so do i comply and die or fight and have a slim chance of survival?

"Jeremy, you know something?"

My question intrigued Jeremy and he listened intently.

"Demons aren't something to be tampered with, we're like fire, if you get to close you'll get burned.. and if i'm a demon then i'm no different..."

I gritted my teeth and felt the ropes around my hands snap.

" I for one wont let you get away with killing my family, even if it costs me my life i will fight."

i reached for Jeremy's throat and felt his pulse around my fingers. the beating of his heart in my control. Jeremy's face lit up in shock, but to my surprise he smiled.

"If you're not going to comply, then I'm left with no choice but to erase your memory"

I ignored him and felt my hands tighten around his neck. He didn't flinch but instead grasped my hands with his own. Slowly he peeled my hands off from his neck and without warning slammed my head onto the cold floor. The strength from the blow temporarily paralyzed my body. Unable to move and in immense pain once again, i decided its best to stay down. 

clip clop clip clop

footsteps echoed disappearing into the darkness

Everything had changed... my family... my life...  Countless memories of mine clouded and a thick haze rolled across my eyes. i spiraled in and out of consciousness, fighting to battle reality from fiction. What is real anymore? What is anything anymore.... 

Curling into a ball i fell into a deep sleep, blood trickling down my face i began to ignore the familiar feeling of pain and embrace it. It meant i'm still alive. Even if I'm on the verge of death at the hands of a psychopath. 


Authors Note: 

So, Jeremy really was part of Jasmine's past, erasing her memory and causing her to create the immorality spell... strange...  Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed it :)

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