Chapter 10

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Sebastian and I sat in silence for what seemed like an eternity. His arms cradled my frail body, while his cold fingers brushed against my red, warm face.

Once i regained the strength to stand, I forced my weakened body upward. Sebastian pulled me back down onto the mossy floor and sat across from me staring deeply into my deep, dark blue eyes. My pools of blue reflected the magenta in his eyes. .

The two colors fused together, almost as if they both were one. Seconds passed by, the staring contest has only just begun but the reason for it was not explained. Sebastian and I intently looked at each other until my eyes reddened from dryness.

I blinked. Simultaneously, he vanished as soon as I reopened my eyes. I gasped but calmly accepted his sudden disappearance. He's prone to doing strange, out of the ordinary things.

Sitting up, I decided to lay against the crumbling mansion and watch the bright twinkling stars in the sky.  The stars began comforting my weary mind. Many questions and confusions spread like fire in my head only to be shut down by another mystery.

The mystery which remains unanswered;  my immortality.

How am I immortal?  I still feel pain, although maybe immortal people will always feel pain, perhaps they will never be freed from its eternal misery. I sighed from exhaustion, and irritation. Even though Sebastian left, I still felt his presence .

The cold, dark, lurking figure. One answer I received today  resulted in the one I didn't want to be true. Sebastian is a demon... he can never be trusted... or loved....


I began retracing my steps back towards the Earl's mansion. The cold November air swept past my body, sending unwanted chills up my spine. The icy cold felt like needles against my rough skin.

Never mind the cold. I can forget about it just as easily as forgetting everything which has already occurred. Memories crept into my frozen mind and forced me to recount the numerous times I almost died.

Jeremy twice and now Sebastian?  Why does life hate me so much. That question I knew would never be answered until my demise. My demise sadly would never occur since I am somehow immortal.

Immortality would bring joy and happiness to whomever it blessed. On the contrary it brought me depression, sadness, and the desire to die.

I never thought of anything passed death: What life would be like, where I would go, if I would reunite with my family? I guess I pushed away the saddening thoughts before they corrupted my mind.

The thoughts would only reveal my weakness. Strength is of the utmost importance right now. I need to face Sebastian again, and worse, Jeremy. His petrified face flashed in my mind. A smile crept along my mouth remembering him struggling against my superior fighting skills.

Although Sebastian believes I'm a weak fighter , I can dominate Jeremy in a fist fight. I bet he is enjoying bon-bons with Ciel right now, waiting for Sebastian and I to return from our friendly chat.

The brawl, which lasted a good hour or two, revealed to Sebastian that I am indeed immortal, have no soul, and anger triggers my power.

His second attempt at drawing out my raw power proved to be quite vulgar. He tried to make me feel sexual attraction towards him. How on earth would THAT generate any amount of power?

Besides my complete shock during his attempt to unlock my power, I might of been able to use left overpower to kick him right in the jaw. I should have, but his lustful looks entranced me.

What am I saying? I have absolutely zero interest in that freak. He is a demon who cannot love anyone. Demons destroy relationships and kill for people's souls. This evidence shows just how horrid the creatures are. I am never going to fall in love with Sebastian, even if my life depended on it.


The long trek through thick forests and over streams flowing with clear, blue water took hours. My trip overall had been exhausting. My feet had calluses on the bottoms because I had no shoes on.

My clothing was completely drenched in mud and water clung to my body sending chills up my back. The entire night was a complete waste of time. If Sebastian had only taken me back to the mansion with his magical powers, I wouldn't be in this mess walking for hours on end.

Every bit of energy was sucked dry, I practically ran off reserves and trust me there were none.  As a small, frail, skinny girl I survived off of only morsels of food during my time as a peasant. Even at Ciel's mansion, he graciously allowed me to stay in, I forced myself to swallow the food he served although it hurt my stomach horribly.

Out of the code of hospitality and politeness I ate whatever Sebastian prepared. At night i couldn't keep down the food so I ended up regurgitating most of it in my bathroom. I continued night after night like this until my body adjusted to the food.

I became weaker and more frail than when i lived in the streets. Now only just a few weeks ago I had begun developing muscle. Enough to protect myself and fight. The thought of food and warmth created a deep desire in my body.

The mansion was in full view now that I had exited the thick foliage. The long run down the hill never seemed so invigorating. So as every young girl, I raced down the hill towards the bright lit up mansion with happiness.

A smile almost touched my facial features but I refrained when I noticed a small dark figure emerge from the building. My heart sunk as did my body, landing not-so-gracefully on the ground, I remained with my hands out before me holding my torso from the cold wet ground.

My head turned towards the ground, hair falling over my face covering my bruised arms. If i don't look... maybe he'll go away. Sadly, my thoughts betrayed me and the figure's footsteps stopped right before me.

Sighing, I took in a deep breath and shot a glare into the eyes of the nearby person. Shock registered first before my body could respond. I jumped back and fell onto the wet grass. Adrenaline coursed through my veins and sweat formed on my skin.

"Breath in and out"

My mind is really comforting me at a time like this?

"It's alright Jasmine"

Wait.... These... aren't my thoughts.... my consciousness slid from my grasp and I fell into the abyss which consumed everything in reality. Darkness brought life, and just as easily as it is given, life is taken away.


Am I dead? How come I am not with my parents? The dark abyss which I entered contained not pitch black but bright white. The entire room I stood in was white.

Scanning the room for anything other than white proved futile. Then, I noticed my own body. The bumps and bruises I had were gone. I wore a white clean dress which cut off past my knees.

Straps wrapped around my neck loosely attaching  the dress's top. Confusion swept across my face before I noticed movement in the corner of my eye.

A dark figure swept in from above and landed in front of my eyes. A familiar aura filled my senses. A demon perhaps? The vile odor only I could detect burned within my nose. On earth it would only be a faint scent, but here it was definitely present.

The figure which stood before me was dressed completely in white. What surprised me most of all were the beautiful pair of wings enclosing the creature. The twenty foot wingspan curled around the figure, blocking my view of the person.

White feathers danced upon different shades of grey and black. Towards the end of the wing, a pair of knives protruded from the conglomeration of feathers. In awe of the pure beauty I didn't notice the figure step out from his feathery dome.

My heart dropped again, I backed away from the figure. My eyes glared daggers into the figures eyes. I couldn't hold back the hatred which filled my body, empowering the immorality inside me. My lips formed a simple word, and all my anger flooded into it.


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