Chapter 16

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Grell stood silent for a moment, contemplating what he should do with me.

"I can't just leave you here... Even though you look harmless it would be idiotic to let a demon wander around purgatory."

I nodded understandingly. Was he going to help me?

"I'll let you off the hook this time, but if I ever see you again you should be deathly afraid."

He held up a peace sign as he put emphasized the  'deathly' part. I rolled my eyes at his humor and we began walking through purgatory. I had no idea how Jeremy managed to send us both to purgatory, but since he's a fallen angel he might have some tricks up his sleeve.

Grell picked up his weapon and slung it over his shoulder while he scanned the white area.

"I swear I went this way when I came here... Wait I think over here... ugg why must this place be so confusing!"

Grell looked frustrated as he walked back and forth. I guess we're both lost now.

"What are you doing, Grell. We had one mission only, get the lost soul and leave and now you're walking about like a lost dog"

Another mans voice rang through my ears. His voice was different from Grell's, it was deep and held authority. I tried to find the owner of the voice before realizing it was right in front of me.

"And who is this girl?"

The man in front of me had black, slicked back, hair. He had the same piercing green eyes as Grell and a pair of spectacles. In his hand he held a pole which had a scissor-like tip on the end.

"William~ you came looking for me~"

Grell ran over to William and before he reached William, he fell flat on his face. William readjusted his spectacles with his hand and looked down at the heap on the floor.

"I didn't come looking for you. I came to help with the investigation and ran into you, now who is this girl?"

William looked back at me and I felt uneasy with his gaze. His perfect posture and obsession with having everything in order was a bit scary. Especially the way he ordered around Grell.

"Oh.. This is Jasmine Winston, I'm just showing her the way out."

William seemed surprised at Grell's response and glared my way again.

"Way out? Souls are not supposed to be let out, what are you thinking?"

This time i decided to intervene.

"Um I'm sorry William, but there has been a misunderstanding with the souls I believe. Grell is here helping me find the missing soul, and I'm leading him too it. Actually I'm not a soul that's from here... I was taken here by blunt force."

William re-positioned his glasses and sighed.

"If you're not a soul, then what are you?"

I gulped and realized i needed to tell him the truth, but if he finds out he might try to kill me just like Grell did.

"I'm a.."

"She's a part-time Grim Reaper! I'm just showing her the ropes and all so you don't need to get involved, William. Thanks a lot~"

Grell shoved passed William, gripping my arm tightly as we ran off into the white abyss. As William became smaller with every breath, we finally decided to stop running. Breathing heavily, I questioned why Grell would help me.

"I remember where we are now!"

His voice shook me from my thoughts and relief flooded through my worried mind.

"Thank goodness"

Grell waved a hand and a door appeared out of thin air. The door-frame was made entirely out of gold and gold detailing ran up the front. It was beautifully crafted, human hands wouldn't be able to create something so magnificent.

Grell began opening the door before turning to look back at me.

"Are you sure you want to?"

His question through me off. After all this time he was now being hesitant letting me go? I gave him a quizzical look and he sighed, gripping tighter onto his chainsaw.

"Well... If you go then I'm not sure exactly what would happen to you... Usually souls don't venture back into the living realm, Especially if you don't have one. What I'm saying is, you could vanish forever."

Vanish forever? As much as I wish that could happen,  I knew I would ultimately regret it. My main mission was to find answers, but I wont find them here if I stay in purgatory. The only way to find out the truth is  through that door, I could either go through it and die or live. It's a fifty-fifty chance, I definitely don't want to stay here for all eternity so I might as well take the risk.

"I'm going through."

Grell nodded solemnly and opened the door for me.

"Lady's first."


Author's Note~

So I'm thinking about making the next chapter the finale! I need to rap this story up, so I can work on a new one :-) Anyway... Jasmine finally will figure out the truth, once and for all! Thank you all for reading my story, I hope you enjoyed it! 

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