Chapter one

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Ally's POV
We were close to the lake we found a couple days, "we almost there?" Zoey asked "yes" i replied to her we kept walking.We were almost there and i heard a gunshot go off and a man scream "lets go they could need help" Zoey exclaimed almost out of breath and ran off in that direction , i followed behind her till we got to the seen. "oh my god" Zoey huffed out horrified by all the blood oozing out of the little boys chest about a little younger then Zoey. "W-we got a farm and a-a doctor" the man who shot the boy said and started pointing and running he was quite larger so the man carrying I'm guessing his son to this farm. "Shane" the other man said "otis" the larger one huffed, "Zoey and thats my sister Ally" Zoey said for me. "That man is Rick Grimes and that was his son Carl, the rest of our group is out in the woods looking for a missing girl" Shane explained to us.

We got to the farm and got introduced to the people there, the doctor hershel stayed with Carl, and his daughter Maggie went out to find the other members of the group to bring them back. Shane and Otis went to a nearby town to look for medical supplies for Carl. "Should we trust them?" I murmured to Zoey "they aint got nothing to hide" she replied walking outside seeing cars pulling in. Rick came out of the house looking horrified and said to us "y-you c-can s-st-stay" "thank you" Zoey replied. We watched the other people come inside and others set up camp outside.

Someone caught my eye as Zoey was introducing us to everyone, he was tall had a crossbow and just looked like a loner. I wandered off and watched him from a distance i could hunt and track and i knew how to hide. "I'm Ally" i said walking besides him he grunted "Daryl'' i smiled "your different you can tell by the way the others walk they don't know how to defend themselves but i can tell with you your a naturally at surviving out here eh?" i said looking him in the eyes, "so" he grunted "i just can read people" i said laughing "your Canadian too" he mumbled "how can you tell?" i asked smirking, "eh?" he copied me and walked away. He was friendly to some i could tell but not to others i had to get on his good side.

I walked back over to where Zoey set up our tent, "looks like shit" i said laughing fixing most of the poles for the tent to be sturdy "it was my first time every setting one up" she scoffed back to me, i laughed. "Im Glenn" a asian guy came up to me and said, "Ally" i said , "i saw you talking to daryl" he said "yeah" i replied not sure what he meant by this, "he's been through a lot and he usually doesn't trust people and he's kinda a loner type" Glenn explained to me "why are you telling me this?" i asked confused "i just wanted you to know before he said something rude" he told me "thanks?" i questioned, he just walked away. "So what do you think of these people?" Zoey asked me in the tent, "i don't know yet i mean they all seem nice its a sin they can't find that little girl" i replied honestly "I saw you talk to that guy" she said smirking "okay?" i questioned her she laughed, "go to sleep" i said laying down.


The next morning when i woke up, Zoey was gone i sighed and got up and the first face I saw was Daryl's. "Hi" i said rolling the sleeve of my shirt down so nobody would see the scars, "i'm going to look for that little girl today" he replied softly, like he trusted me but wasn't sure yet, I've heard that in peoples voices before but he was different he was distance. I just replied with "oh" before walking away to find my sister."Morning" she said to me smiling i noticed her sleeve rolled up, "I'm sorry" she said and rolled it down. "Its fine we just need to keep our secrets" i said "i know" she said sighing, "i like this group" she said and looked into the house, "Zoey you just like that kid" i said laughing "says you" she replied looking at Daryl. I rolled my eyes and walked into the rv.

I bumped into Carol and saw she was crying "I'm so sorry" i said "not your fault" she said whipping her eye i quietly left, "I'm leaving to go look for the girl" i overheard Daryl say to Rick "do you need help?" i offered "nah" he grunted and walked away "next time" Rick said and touched my shoulder sighed and walked away "wait" i yelled to Rick he stopped in his tracks and looked at me. "Last night when Shane came back, where was otis?" i asked "he's dead" Rick explained and walked inside the house.  Carl didn't know me but i thought it was time i went and talked to him, I walked inside the house and say that Lori , Carol , Maggie and Beth were making super. "Hi, Lori is it all right if i introduced myself to Carl?" I asked her "of course" she said and smiled at me. I slowly walked in the room and sat in the chair next to his bed, "hi" i said and smiled to the kid he was the same age as Zoey, "hi are you Zoeys sister?" he asked "yeah why?" i asked laughing "she talks about you all the time about how strong you had to be a long time ago" he told me "yeah well I gotta go talk to Andrea about shifts on the rv ill talk to you later" i said and smiled at him "okay bye Ally" he said and i walked out of the room.

I saw Andrea aiming her riffle at something and Rick , Shane, Glenn and T-Dog running to it, "don't shoot Andrea" Dale demanded she shot anyway, and i heard Rick scream "NOOO" i shook my head at her. I started running to the body they were carrying, I got close and saw it was Daryl, "oh my god" i said shocked, he had walker ears tied to a string around his neck "what the hell" i said pulling it off of his neck "we don't talk about that to Hershel" Rick replied snatching to from my hand. I ran over to Zoey "go get Hershel" I demanded her she nodded and ran into the old house. I followed them into the house, "he has Sophias doll" T-Dog said holding it up "didn't think i would be using this much medicine so quick" Hershel muttered to himself."He's close on her trail" i said looking at the doll "hell yes i am" Daryl said i rolled my eyes and saw his back as i was leaving the room he had scars. Daryl Dixon had scars. He knew i saw them. I sat down at the dinner table next to Zoey it was awkward. At the end of the day i layed down in our tent, "i think Daryl has scars too" I blurted out, "don't tell him or anyone" Zoey replied i nodded and closed my eyes. I couldn't stop thinking about him there was something about him that was different not the 'i love him' different but that maybe we could be friends. Just friends.

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