03 - I'm 95 I'm not dead

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"What? Bucky?", Steve asks confused.
"I don't know why, Steve I -"
"I do. You always had a special connection with him.", he smiles slightly.

If Steve only knew how right he was...

James Buchanan Barns was the first and only man I ever loved...


"Come on Kitty, don't make me come up and drag you down here", Bucky shouted from downstairs. I was currently getting ready for a night out with my brother Steve and his friend Bucky. I'm not going to lie, Bucky was really attractive. Only problem being, many women thought so and thus he was always surrounded by different women who all wanted to be recognized by him. As for me, well I doubt he saw me as anything other than Steve's sister who always tagged along.

As I applied the finishing touches to my casual make-up, I heard faint ruffling from downstairs, but decided to ignore it. I was about to put on my shoes when suddenly I was thrown over someone's shoulder. "I told you not to keep us waiting, doll", Bucky lowly spoke. There it was again, his infamous nickname he gave every girl "doll", that one word was enough to make me blush a slight crimson color.

As we made our way downstairs where Steve was waiting with another girl, probably Bucky's girl for the night, I heard Steve chuckle as he saw my redden cheeks. I playfully glared at him and stuck my tongue out.

As Bucky finally put me down, he held me close to his side with his hand around my waist for a few moments, but then awkwardly cleared his throat and took a step to the side. Was he blushing?  No, it couldn't be...or could it?

"So...Everybody ready?", Steve asked as he caught on to the discomfort radiating from his sister and his best, might I add only, friend. "Don't you want to wait for your date to arrive, brother?", I asked confused.

"Ehm, no, actually she's already here", he reluctantly laid his thin arm around the girls slender waist," this is Dolly", he introduced us. I smiled at her, a bit embarrassed by my mistake. But if she was going with Steve, then who was Bucky going to take out?

"Well then, off we go", Bucky said cheerfully clapping his hands together and holding his arm out for mine to loop through. I was surprised to say the least never would I have thought that Bucky would take me out on a date. But I was as happy as ever. My walk had a, hopefully unnoticeable, skip in it and I couldn't wipe the bright smile from my lips.

*Bucky noticed this and smiled to himself*

End of Flashback

"How did you now?", I ask Steve confused. "Please, Annie, I'm 95 I'm not dead", he chuckles and I join in. "But seriously, you liked him, didn't you?", Steve softly looks at me. I sigh "That obvious huh?". He only smirks. "But it doesn't matter now", I say almost coldly, feeling tears cloud my vision. Steve once again engulfs me in a bear hug and whispers "I'm so sorry Annie."

I abruptly pull away, feeling almost silly crying about a guy who could have never loved me the way I loved him. And as coldhearted as it may sound...it was irrelevant considering he was dead. Steve looks at me almost confused but as if he had read my thoughts (one of the perks of being a twin) he smiles and gives me a sweet kiss on the forehead. "Try to get some sleep. We wanna go running in 5 hours remember?" , he pokes my cheek teasingly and I sigh.

"Soldiers and their stupid morning routine. You know most people prefer to sleep in and shower in the morning but noooo my brother wants to go running at 5 o'clock on a Saturday.", I sigh again, but it was quickly replaced with a grin because to be totally honest I like those runs. "Well see you at 0500 hours sharp and don't you be late this time.", he playfully points his finger at me. I almost can't contain my laughter. This is why I love my brother so damn much. Whether it's a nightmare or if I'm sick, he always knows how to cheer me up.

Steve ruffles my hair one last time and goes leave my room. "Hey Steve", I quietly say as he was standing in the doorway. "Yeah?" "Thanks big bro. I love you." "No problem, Annie. Love you too. Get some rest. If anything happens, I'm right here when you need me." I smile gratefully at that and silently nod my head. He softly closes the door and I lay back down on my bed. And surprisingly I am able to get some sleep after all.

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