02 - Nightmare or Daydream?

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{I panted, looking for an exit. Where was I? How did I get here? More importantly how do I get out?
A strange noise interrupted my thoughts. Like metal scraping against metal. Where did it come from? I looked around, frantically looking for the sound disrupting the silence. It was getting louder, which meant it was getting closer.

I stopped. Then, quiet again. I waited for something...anything...but there was nothing. Deafening silence. I turned around and returned to searching for an exit. Then, suddenly, there was a light at the end of the hallway. My steps quickened and them I was running. My bare feet giving off a pit-pat sound as they moved over the cold concrete floor. Soon I stood in front of an iron door. Placing my slender fingers upon the cool steel I pushed my full bodyweight against it.

With a loud squeak the door slowly opened, allowing the blinding bright light to seep in and flood the previous dark hallway.

I held a hand in front of my eyes to shield them from the sudden light. Slowly my eyes grew accustom to my new surroundings. Before me lay a beautiful valley covered in white, sparkling snow. The mountains, hills and trees were all coated with the icy diamonds.

Just as I was about to step outside to let my feet feel the tingling powder snow, I was yanked back into the shadows I so eagerly wanted to escape. I yelped in surprise and was roughly turned around to face my attacker. My blood ran cold as I made out his face in the darkness that now engulfed me once more. His face was covered by a dark mask and I could only make out his eyes, but I'd know those eyes anywhere.
"Bucky?", my voice was hoarse and barley above a whisper.

His normally beautiful icy blue eyes had a dark and dull twist to them. They didn't sparkle like they used to when he was looking at me. Only then I noticed the large knife that was pointed at my abdomen and the unusual thight grip around my throat. My eyes began to tear up and I could feel my body trembling under his grip. "Bucky?", I choked out in disbelieve. Could this really be the man I once held so dearly? My friend? That person in front of me was about to plunge the knife into my body. I closed my eyes, tears rolled down my cheeks and a scream erupted my throat. Why Bucky? I thought you-}

"Annie? Hey, Annie wake up!", I hear someone shout. Someone is shaking me. I gasp and sit up straight. My eyes shoot open and I make out the dark silhouette of my brother sitting on my bed in front of me. He pulls me into his arms, "Annie, what's wrong? You screamed bloody murder. And you hit me in the face, when I tried to hold you down", he chuckles at the end but the worry never left his eyes. I open my mouth to say something. But nothing comes out. What did I see? It all felt so real. The pain, his grip on my throat, even his warm breath on my skin. My hands move down to my stomach, where his blade would have pierced my skin.

"It all felt so real...", I quietly start, scared my own voice would betray me. Steve continues to softly stroke my hair. "It's ok now. I'm here. Everything's fine." I bury my face in his neck and breath in his familiar scent. "Was it the same nightmare as always?", he softly askes, not letting me go. Normally when I wake up screaming in the night, I had dreamed of my brother's death. The image that has been haunting me for so many years. My brother, frozen, in front of me.

Crying I shook my head no. Immediately, Steve pulls back a little to look me in the eyes. More worry and confusion in his eyes as he searches my face for some sort of explanation. "What did you see?", he askes softly, now curious as to what was as terrible to have me up screaming in the middle of the night. More tears escape my eyes as I am afraid to even speak his name. "Tell me", Steve says reasurringly, as he wipes away my tears with his thump. His name feels so unfamiliar and strange as it passes my lips. Like a ghost I do not dare to speak of: "Bucky".

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