•The same old theme•

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Bailey POV

After I saw what Will did to Luna, I decided that I have to talk to him.
I know what happened a few years ago but he's being a Drama Queen or Drama King? Whatever.....
I walked to his room, opened the door and walked to his bed to wake him.
,,What the hell did you to Luna?" I said to him angry and threw him out of his bed.
,,I did nothing, just told her the truth" he said and stood up
,,Told her the truth? You just hurted her feelings" I told him and stood there in front of him
,,And now? She hurted my feelings too" he said and crossed his Arms
,, You're acting like a freakin child! Why the hell did you do that?" I hissed at him he looked at me
,,Because I loved her and I Still do! I just can't forget How much She hurted me!" He said and looked down, I looked at him. Now I understand, he Still has his feelings for her.
I sat down next to him
,,But then you can't hurt her, She wants to be Friends be you, she's really sad about the Situation" I told him, he looked at me and then to his door
,,I never meant to hurt her like that" he said.

Luna POV

I sat in my room, tears Rolling down my face.
I thought about the fight with Will earlier.
Just thinking about, that a few years ago We were the Best Friends you can imagine and that I'm not even allowed to call him Will anymore, makes me sad.
I heard a conversation from Will's Room, then I heard something I could never imagine.
He really said that he loves me....
And I heard what Bailey told him.
Maybe I have the Chance that We can be just more then Friends.....

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