Honey,I'm 'home'.Oh, joy.

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An: Well I got bored, so I decided to write another chappie to this book. Well tell me what you think. Happy reading!(:  Also this chappie is for my new friend that was my first fan! You should read her books if you get a chance!(:


 Chapter 2~ Honey,I'm 'home'.Oh,joy.

  We drove the couple of hours it takes to get to the town. Once we were in town, the residents, kept gawking at us, considering some of them were humans. I smirked knowing that the guys were staring at me, I even winked at a few of them, then laughed at their expressions. We entered the large woods, and after a few minutes we were parked at the pack house. 'Dayumm, it's effing huge!' Conner said through the mind link.

   My face instantly fell, when I seen Nathan and my brother Eric(who is beta), walking towards me, but it caused me to laugh when they looked at me shocked, before recomposing themselves "Welcome back Faith, and welcome beta Conner." Nathan addressed us, shaking Conner's hand, causing Conner to growl, because he hates them for what they did to me.

  "Whatever," Conner spat, "You stay the fuck away from Faith, or I will kick your ass, got it?" Conner said, shooting them disgusted looks.

   "Wow ,Faith, you sure do got a over-confident, mouthy, beta here, don't you?You better learn how to keep him in check." Nathan said looking me straight in the eyes, causing me to flinch at the memories. Conner growled, so I had to put my hand on his shoulder to keep him from lunging.

  "Calm down, Conner. They aren't worth it." I said to him,l eading him away. Before we left Jade had decided to join us, so I had to lead her away from them also, but not before she could say

   "You better watch your back, dickhead. And I would sleep with one eye open if I were you." She warned, glaring at him, causing me to laugh, at how protective they were. Once we were a couple feet away Eric caught up to me and said

   "Hey,Fay,can I talk to you,"he looked at Jade and Conner before saying loud enough for them to hear,"Alone?"He said directing it at them.They stood by me,but after I said

    "It's okay guys,go;I'll meet you at the pack house,in a few."They gave one last look at Eric and then walked off,not pleased I was making them leave.After they were out of hearing range I turned to Eric,"You got five minutes,not a second more.So you better start talking."I said bored.He just stood there a few moments,deep in thought.

   "Fay, I'm so sorry. We shouldn't have treated you that way, I should have stuck up for you." He blurted, his eyes showing regret.

   "That's the thing, you didn't. My own brother made fun of me with them and laughed at their cruel jokes. Do you know how that felt?" I snapped on the verge of tears,he tried to say something but I was nowhere near finished talking. "It hurt Eric, It really hurt. You didn't even give a shit about me, so why do you care now. You only care because I am not so hideous anymore, not a embarrassment? That's what it is isn't it, I embarrassed you?" I was livid, he just hung his head ashamed, and nodded weakly." We are done here, your five minutes are up." I said through clenched teeth, at least he admitted it' I thought as I stormed away.

   "Fay,wait .." He trailed.I turned around 

   "Don't you EVER call me 'Fay' again, only my close friends call me that!" I exclaimed aggravated. I headed back to the pack house, slamming the door, and headed to my old room, ignoring Conner and Jade's constant questions. I flopped on my bed, when I heard someone cleared their throat behind me, causing me to jump, and them to laugh. I turned around only to be mesmerized with the eyes of the one and only-Nathan himself. My wolf growled at me

  'Don't get caught up in his eyes. He REJECTED us remember?' My wolf snarled, causing me to be brought back into reality.

'Of course I remember, what he did. How could I forget?' I yelled back at her.

  "Umm, Faith,this isn't your room anymore?" Nathan said softly sounding more like a question than  statement. My face flushed embarrassed.

   "O-oh, of course." I said lamely, damn I stuttered. 

   "I can take you to your new room, if you want. Unless you would like to stay here with me?" Nathan said wiggling his eyebrows, in a jokingly manner-or so I hope.

   "Hum, taking me to my room will be fine. Thanks."I said, walking towards the door.

   "Can we talk for a minute, Faith, please ?" He pleaded the look in his eyes made me want to melt.

   "Fine, but just a minute, starting now. Go!" I said, thinking 'this conversation is just going to end up like the one with Eric, why did I even agree? Stupid me, no stupid him for those mesmerizing eyes! 'I mentally cursed at myself. Before I realized it Nathan was saying

  "Faith, you there? FAITH?" My head snapped up

   "Oh, yeah. Sorry, I was just thinking about something. What were you saying?" I asked, heat rising to my cheeks. 'Damn, I NEVER blush, why am I blushing so much now?' He sighed.

  "As I was saying, I am so sorry, Faith. I am truly sorry. I was so immature, and caught up in being popular." He said weakly, his eyes showing he was telling the truth. I couldn't let him off that easy, not after all they put me through. I just couldn't.

  "Nathan," I spoke, sighing, "YOU put me through hell, rejected me! You made me cry countless times, and if it wasn't you doing the mocking, you were standing on the sidelines doing nothing, laughing with THEM!" I spat, a stray tear leaked and slid done my cheek, I wiped it away fast. I was NOT going to allow myself to cry because of him.

  "Faith, I was stupid ! I will make it up to you somehow, I promise." He said, looking determined.

   "Whatever, and I think I can find my own room just fine." I grumbled walking out the door, slamming it on my way out. 'How in the hell am I going to find my room now, damn.' 

   "CONNER!" I yelled, maybe he would know. 


AN:Well my opionon is it's crappy.What do you think? Like it? Hate it? Let me know! (:

 I know it's short but I felt like leaving it there.XD 

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