Chapter 8.

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An; Alright, I know I have taken forever to upload AGAIN! But, I have been working on some of my other stuff, and had a writers block with this story; I still do. Please check out my other stuff if you haven't, I would love to know what you think about it! Anyway, here it is. It is kinda short.

~ XxCrAzYxMuSiCxLuVeRxX


  Chapter 8.

  Nathan's Pov-

       It was late and I was in the living room reading - yes, I read, when the front door squeaked open and Faith tried to quietly sneak in. Me, being a werewolf, easily heard her. " Why didn't you stay at his house tonight, since you seem to like him so much?" I said bitterly.

   " Shut up Nathan, he is my FRIEND! We were just hanging out and catching up, not that it should concern you." She snapped.

  " I don't trust that guy." I mumbled.

  " You don't have to; I do, and that is all that matters." She replied.

  " You are my mate, and I worry about you." I told her sincerely.

  " There is nothing to worry about." She comforted, her voice softening.

  " I hope so. I hope so." I responded.

  "Good night, Nathan." She smiled.

Faith's Pov-

     " Good night, Nathan." I smiled, and trudged up the stairs, going to go to sleep; considering I have school tomorrow. I quickly tossed on some pj shorts and a tank, before jumping on the bed and having sleep overwhelm me. I woke up with the alarm clock going off, causing me to jump up and slam my hand down on it. I rubbed my eyes, letting out a groan, since I jumped up so fast I got a head rush. I grumpily made my way to my closet, grabbing out some dark wash skinnies and a loose white top.

I took a quick shower, before drying off and slipping the outfit I picked out. I tamed my unruly hair and brushed my teeth and put on some make up. I walked back out into my room and slipped on some black knee high boots, before I heard the familiar buzz of my phone. I hurriedly reached over and grabbed it from my night stand and unlocked it.

  " Morning. I hope you slept well. Have a good day at school, I will talk to you later. ~ Jace "I smiled before typing a quick reply, I sure have missed my friend. A knock came from behind my door. I yelled " Come in." Before grabbing the rest of my stuff I would need and shoving it in my bag.

  " I just wanted to see if you were up and wanted some breakfast." Nathan said.

  " Thanks, I was just heading down now actually." I informed him.

  " No problem." He waved off. " And I wanted to say I am sorry for over reacting with Jace." He looked up into my eyes, and I could see he was being sincere.

  " Thanks, Nathan, for manning up and saying you were wrong." I said, laughing at his expression about him being wrong.

  " I wasn't wrong, I am just sorry for over reacting about it." He defended himself.

  " It's alright to be wrong, even though I wouldn't know how it feels since I am never wrong. " I teased, wanting to get a reaction out of him, I knew I am not prefect, and I know I am wrong sometimes.

  " Oh yeah, you are never wrong." Nathan said sarcastically. " And I wasn't wrong ! See what I get for apologising ? Ugh. " He exclaimed storming out of my room, me bursting out with laughter. I shook my head at his dramatic exit and followed him downstairs. The amazing smell of bacon and toast overwhelmed my senses. I walked into the kitchen nodding my greeting at everyone before grabbing a plate and filling it with deliciousness.

  " God Faith, going to go feed a army ? " Connor teased. I glared at him and dug in.

" You think you ate that fast enough, but anyway, hurry we need to get to  the school. " Jade informed me.

" No I didn't." I said jokingly. " Alright, lets go." It was raining, so I decided to ride with Jade in her car instead of taking my motorcycle.

" So... You never told me where you disappeared to yesterday. " Jade pried.

  " Oh, I forgot; um, I was with Jace. " I informed her, she looked at me, her eyes wide.

  " Jace, as in - Jace ? " She questioned.

  " Yes, he is in town for a little while, and we have been catching up. " I told her.

  " Oh, so... Does he want you guys to get back together ? Does he know about Nathan ? " She quickly asked. 

" No and yes. " I said.

" Feel free to elaborate. " Jade pressed.

  " No, he just wants to be friends, and yes, he knows about Nathan. " I explained.

 " Have they met ? " She asked. 

   " Oh, yeah, they met. " I laughed.

  " I assume that didn't go well. " She chuckled.

  " Definitely not. " I shook my head.

 " We will talk more later. " Jade told me, getting out of her car, making me realise we are at the school. Jade peaked her at through the window. " Are you coming or what ? " She laughed.

  " Yeah, yeah; I'm coming. " I said getting out of the car. We made our way to first period  after stopping at our lockers.

  " Look who it is girls, the ugly slut shows her face ! " Whitney sneered, laughing with her posse.

   " Hey, if you call me a slut, at least I get paid; your a dirty whore who does it for free with every person with a dick ." I snapped, causing people to fall silent.

  " Bitch, you did not just say that. " She said, trying to be intimidating.

  " Look girls, it's the fake, dumb ass, bitch who thinks she can take me. " I mocked her, in the voice she used previously. Everyone burst into laughter and Whitney shot them a glare, some shut up while others continued laughing.

  " Girls, enough; take your seats, before I send you both to the principles office. " Mr. Laurence, our young, usually lenient teacher shouted as he walked into the room.

  " Yes sir. " We both said, sitting down, glaring at each other; which seemed pretty childish, but hey, she started it.

  " Alright, lets start our lesson. " Mr  Laurence and starting going on about stuff I would usually be interested in, but, today I just zoned out. The rest of the day seemed to pass pretty quickly with no more encounters with Whitney or her minions.


An; Sorry again, for taking so long to upload this chapter. I have had stuff going on, but it's summer now, I should be uploading more . I upload faster with some support. * Hint hint* but, you don't have to, I will still upload when I have time. Let me know what you think by:







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