Time For A Change or Two

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Elijah sat in a corner of the room and sighed looking over at Alexis. She wasn't doing so well over the past few days. Her eyes were now fully white and her skin was fully red.He also had herd no mention of Abby ever coming back to the room but knew something was up. Something big and then of course there was Raul who everyone presumably thought was dead. However he swore he had seen something when Mike and Foxy were trying to escape. Something or someone was with them and it looked...odd like some gloop on the floor but it could move and ...interact and such. He questioned it so many times that he knew for sure at least Raul wasn't dead. Which of course he was right about.

What actually had happened to Mixed's surprise was some variables along the way she had not predicted. Those variables interfeared, ruining the controlled experiment she had planned for each teen. She couldn't find out why or what those extra variables were but knew they were key to what was causing the conflict. Thus causing it to look like Raul was physically dying. Which however he was not but instead his body and those extra variables infected the serum causing it to backfire. So he then became an unstable experiment that had to reform but it would take a while. So he was almost in a way, at the moment, able to shapeshift.
So there were pros and Cons to this.

Elijah,for once, smiled thinking that Raul had actually gotten out and was happy for his friend but still worried. He wasn't exactly sure what Mixed was going to do nor could he know.There were whimpers and cries herd from in the lab...Yet he knew not who they belonged to or which way they came from. Clearly it sounded like some people were in pain. So, he decided to (finally) think up a plan.

He tapped Alexis on the shoulder and she looked at him. It looked as if her eyes were staring right at his soul and were just waiting. Waiting for the right moment to break. Hopefully this would help.
"Alexis I came up with an idea on how to get out !" he exclaimed.
She had a stunned look of surprise on her face but then it grew into a frown.
"And your telling me this NOW!?" she yelled throwing her arms up in the air with frustration.
He stared at her as if not to give any comment but did so anyway.
"Well what is it then?"
"...Your gonna hate it"
"Just tell me!"

And with that the two worked out the plan but meanwhile Mixed was walking around the colorless version of Abby. Just staring at her trying to think of why the serum had reacted the way it did because she had planned something else.
"Are you done walking in circles around me!?Like jeez you might be worse than that Alexis girl!" Abby snapped at her and Mixed frowned.
Reaching in her pocket she responded quite blandly.
"Im not done yet but I suppose I will have to observe you the hard way. You are rather harsh with your words...However I will have to see what becomes of you till I can figure whether my hypothesis was correct...."
The girls face just scrunched up with confusion and anger.  She wanted to comment something nasty but for some reason couldn't bring herself to do it.
So she stepped back as Mixed pulls out some sort of gun.
Color seemed to spring across Abby as she jumped,panicked by seeing this. It had some sort of needle/spike thing at the front and 3 viles with 3 different colored liquids in them.
Abby didn't like this and she growled stepping back more.
Mixed cocked her head to the side with a blank face but then smiles rather sly.
"Oh don't like sharp stuff hm?~ I wonder why that is." she remarked taking a step toward her. Abby backed up another step even more frightened yet aggravated.
And yet another step.
The scientist just kept walking toward her even when she stepped back.

Abby scanned the room for some way to get away from this freak but found none. The color now gone leaving her dull blending in with the floor and wall she stood there. Mixed turned for a second but then back staring straight at her ...but didn't actually see her. The color contrast was pretty similar so she backed off also now scanning the room but instead for that wretched teen.
"Where did you go!?You were just here!!!" she yelled in anger.
Abby didn't reply but instead took the chance jumping at the scientist and socked her right in the face.Mixed yelped and turned away and at the moment Abby reached for a set of keys in the pocket of the lab coat. She managed to fish it out and bolted for the door.

She got out and started running down the hall. Alexis...Elijah...Alexis and Elijah!Crap!
That moment she snapped back to her senses and started looking for the room they had all been corralled in.She didn't know what was going on with her but she felt so guilty for leaving her friends like that. Instead though, she had run down the wrong way and there was Vincent finishing up on fixing some.. Wall door?
Huh...what is that?
She thought trying to get a closer look but Vincent turned his head spotting her.
"Shoot." Abby said wide eyed.
Vincent smirked and got up walking over.
"Well lookie here~-"
She screamed and turned around running the opposite direction  not even letting him finish his sentence. He laughed at this and decided to chase her down just to have some fun for once. No one had really been this frightened by him in a while. So why not take the chance he had now.
"A-Alexis Elijah!!!Where are you!?" she yelled. Trying to pick up the pace at the same time. Her heart was beating and pounding as her feet hit that hallway floor.

Vincent was trailing right behind her every moment. It was nearly impossible to stear him off her path.So she did something unthinkable,to which a run away should never turn. She stopped.
The purple man also came to a hault with a chuckle thinking he had won some stupid race. Abby turned around and hugged him,Vincent not expecting this blushed confused and wondering what was going on. But then five seconds later after confusing him,she opened some random door and shoved him inside. It closed and locked from the outside,and Vincent ran up to the barred window. Boy did he look pissed.
"Sorry...But I don't allow a fruit to beat me. Or in your specific case. A grape. Now...enjoy your stay and think about what you have done." she spat out than ran off.
You could tell though she looked her normal self,obviously she wasn't. She might have been nicer instead of gloating. However this helped her get away in a sinch. So there wasn't much to complain about when it came to that.
And so she continued on scanning the halls for her jailed friends. In hopes of getting out eventually.

Hey all its your lovely scientific writer here and I would just like to say I apologize for the long wait. I've just been so stumped on what to write! I was also busy last week. Sorta. This week I have no excuses. I've been ridiculous.
However here is your newly written chapter. Next one will be worked on once I finish two promised ones for the Sans x reader. That's all for now though!
Goodbye my testies~
Sin-Bye dorks!Your all awesome!!! >;P

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