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Now,going on back to Alexis and Elijah. They had finished discussing the plan, which of course Alexis seemed to hate. As obviously expressed early on when he told her she had one. Either way it was set.
They were going to trick everyone just as the others had done to them,retrieving Abby while doing so, and finally breaking out of this mysterious place. Hoping to find out what was happening in the world as well,because clearly some things were going on before they ended up here.

So, now the two thought a moment and Elijah asked,"So,who is gonna pretend to just give in?..."

Alexis twitched a moment thinking to herself with hateful thoughts,but in the end her response was this.
"Not me. You get too." and with a bit of a smile too,but a creepy one,her eyes also flashing white a moment.
Elijah sighed,"Of just had to be me didn't it. Huh."

"Well who else would be better to? Mixed can't see me like this or she is bound to take me to god knows where like she did to Abby!"

"I see your point... Dang it. Fine,only for reasons that make sense."

"....Elijah even your jokes don't make sense half the time. I'm surprised your using such words."

He just looked at her with a look of wanting to kill her,but sighed.

"Ok then... What about your end of the plan though?"he asked.

"Oh right.... Wait so I do have to be seen...f-"


"Uhg sorry."

"Listen we both do. Its not that big of a deal is it?"

"Yes....You look perfectly normal while I look like I've gotten a major sun burn! HOW IS THAT NOT A BIG DEAL."

".......Alexis just relax we need to do this to get out."

"Fineeeee."She groaned and Elijah just shook his head.

"Trust me everything is going to work out. Now,best thing to do is wait till we can get some one's attention." He suggested and Alexis nodded.

So for almost an hour and a half the two wandered around their little room untill they herd footsteps down the hall. Elijah ran to the door and started slamming it with his fist,Alexis running up behind him.

"What on earth is that racket!?" some odd voice said.
(This voice sounds not at all like you would imagine it actually. I wish you could record voices on here,but I guess not. I still have to truely create what this character sounds like anyway.)

Alexis smiled and kicked at the door and Elijah dodged a bit still hitting it as well.
That person walked up from the other side and peered through the bars quickly jolting back a bit from the racket.

That's when the two stopped,
staring right at this...thing. She seemed to be a creature like a Cyclops with no mouth,one eye being a light turquoise,the other had a black outer piece and the iris was plain white, which was oddly placed on her neck. She also had bangs covering a small half of her first eye and then a grey pony tail in the back. Very tall in hight,looking to be about 6 ft 6 in,and a mien of threat,importance,and leadership,she clearly showed her true demeanor.
She stared right back at them with her two oddly placed eyes,slightly annoyed now.

This caused Elijah to shrink back a bit,Alexis however still stood there.
"Were you the ones causing that noise!?" This thing yelled.

"Yes. We were wondering whether you had seen some creep-Er woman in glasses and a labcoat walking around here."Alexis suggested.

"Oh you mean Mixed,my boss. I haven't seen her,but just to clear things up,cut that out! Its loud and annoying." It replied back.

"....Sure thing. What's your name exactly?"

"Japper. I'm somewhat new here,but only to keep the peace. Wait. Why were you asking about my boss?..."

"My friend and I have been hoping to see her. We want to do whatever she asks now,so that one day we can return to our original homes. Could you help us find her?"

The creature thought for a moment,her turquoise eye closed as she pondered while her other eye kept a close watch on Alexis,but more at poor,frightened Elijah.
Then she opened her eye again and looked toward Alexis.

"I don't see why not,follow me." the creature stated and open the cell door. Afterword she waved her hand signaling to follow and walked off in the opposite direction,down the hall.

"Wow,that was easy enough." Alexis said with a bit of a surprised look on her face,then walked off in the direction Japper had headed. Elijah blinked a moment,realizing his friend just walked away with out him and so he to walked off to catch up.(More like he ran!)

Meanwhile,Mixed had just reached the cell door,spotting Vincent's arm sticking out between the bars just as she had seen on the cameras.
She only grumbled to herself about his foolishness and then stuffed a hand into one of her labcoat pockets. Seconds after,she pulls out a large ring of keys,sorting out which one went where ever it belonged till she came upon the specific key used to unlock the door.

"Move your arm or when I open this door it will be yanked off." she insisted in a somewhat harsh tone. Vincent felt irritated yet awkward and sighed getting his hand out from between the bars.
Mixed stuck the key in the lock and turned it. The door swung open with a very disgruntled grape standing just behind the doorway.
Vincent stepped out barely smiling at this point,immediately declaring "Sorry,that darn brat I went after locked me in here!"

The scientist only shook her head and looked at him.
"Well at least she didn't punch you right in the face. You figure that she might be weak as a response to what I had injected,but it appears not.... I can already tell that her outcome will be dangerous,yet useful to my cause however!" Mixed noted and seemed to crack a bit of an insane smile. Moments later it dissapeared though and her countenance went back to somewhat emotionless.

Turning to Vincent she gave him new orders to go scan the lab for anything that needed to be fixed or any prisoners that needed to put to good use for misbehavior. He nodded then walked off leaving the scientist to her own problems and thoughts.

"What to do now?..." Mixed pondered and walked away after shutting the cell door.
She was bound to plan something for Abby,but what could it possibly be?....

1140 words for this chapter.

Hello again my lovely testies!~
Your author is back once again,but with more of an apologetic note. I said I would post more during the summer and have not done so. My art has distracted me and taken up my time rather than writing my stories. I am sorry and am just going to warn you all now that due to this,updates might take quite a long time.(On any of my stories!) Though I do thank you for being patient with me,but it will take a while to get back into the swing of writing.

Till then I would like to inform you of the places where I will be most active.
Those would be:


If you want to find me on Instagram then my username is:


I also am on many different Aminos,but mainly my own. I based it off of my o.c's liked Mixed and her experiments. So,if you like this creepy scientist and wanna see her actual experiments and maybe just other people's,I suggest you come on over and join!
Here is the link to it if you would like to or are interested in it!⬇⬇⬇

Other than that I have nothing more to inform you all of at the moment. I will leave this here for you and go.
Goodbye till another chapter my testies!~

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2017 ⏰

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