Authors Note: Please Read!

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Please, before you keep reading the story, read this authors note. It is important and will clear up a few points before you start this book.

Here's another story about fairies. Why? Because I felt like it. I love this genre apperantly. I do write other genres though . . . And love them too.

This is like 95% my own work. Yes, not completely my own work, but it is mostly. I'm clarifying that because part of the story-line belongs to someone else.

The beginning story-line belongs to another writer on Wattpad, my friend Sandra335. If any of you have gone to go read her book "Ally, Taylor, and the City of Magisher Geshopfe" you will realize many things. The title is the same, the names are almost the same, and most importantly, the story-line for the beginning is almost identical. She gave me permission to write this book as mine, though.

Now don't go looking for the book on her account. you won't find it. it's long gone. The thing is, I never had any intention to go and write that book. But she wrote me a while back that she was going to delete it. I wanted to continue it.

So now we have this thing going now where I write it and she checks and sees if she likes where it's going (she's still very possesive and it makes me laugh). Yes, the start of the book is mostly her ideas, but I re-wrote it. And the rest of the book? Just my ideas. I didn't copy the whole book.

Why would I do that? I can't even do that if she hasn't written it all.


Okay, we got that over with, excuse my rambling. I really just wanted to make a point there.

Next thing:

I do not tolerate rude or mean behavior. These book are all (or in this case almost all) my ideas. This is my creative though process so don't you go saying that I stole someone else's ideas. Yes, even with this book. Go do that if someone is doing it, but not in this case. Please.

If you dislike this book, just stop reading. It is very simple. There is less than no need to continue reading this book. I encourage you to read it because I want people to enjoy my book, but I am not forcing you to read it. So its simple really. If you don't like it, stop reading. Jeez. You don't have to read any further than you want to. 

Most importantly, do not leave any hateful, rude, mean, cruel [insert other words like this] comments. I don't want to read some comments that degrade my hard work. You can think these to yourself, I'm not controlling your thoughts. You may have your own opinion. I certainly do not like all the books I've read on here. But there isn't any need to make me feel bad reading these things. Anyway, I probably will just delete them. I mean . . . why not? Other people don't need to read mean comments either.

That being said, constructive feedback is welcome. If you don't know what that is or what it means, it means feedback that can be negative, but in not mean. The way you can give constructive feedback, is by just pointing out things that are incorrect or 'bad' and giving tips or points that could help improve it.

Be careful, though. Try not to cross over from constructive feedback to mean and from helpful tips to being patronizing and telling me how to write my book.

Also, most importantly, don't steal my work. It's really simple to tell when someone has stolen it. Really. So don't do it.

Go write your own books instead. Be creative. Have fun. Create an imaginary world and put your creativity to work. I believe in you.

I never saw the point in stealing someone else's work. Just don't do it.

Okay, enough of me being scary and serious. Just start reading the story (if  haven't scared you off by now) and see how you like it. Don't be intimidated, I just wanted to get a few points across. I promise I'm not always hostile. 

Well . . . lets get on with this.

Please remember to vote if you like the story and do comment any thoughts, just remember the things I mentioned above.

- Julica❤

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