Chapter Two: Introductions

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What the hell did I just do? I just picked a stranger off the streets, brought her to my home, let her sleep on my couch . . . I dont even know anything about her, except that her name is Ally. Yes I spoke to her, but I didn't really get anything out of the conversation except that.

She would also sound insane to any person in their right mind. Quite apperantly, I wasn't in my right mind. I almost wanted to believe the things she was saying. Almost. Realistically, I still knew that what she was saying was not possible. At all.

I wandered into the kitchen, and then stopped, realising that I had not gotten the groceries. I was on my way, when I bumped into Ally. Now it was going to be ages until I remembered to do them again. That, or we were going to really run out of food, and then someone would be forced to go out and buy them.

I looked at the clock. 1:34 it read. I sighed. So much time in my hands and nothing to do. Maybe  should really get a job. I didn't need to, but it would pass the time. At least until I was hold enough to start running the company. The inheritance helped pay all the costs, and so does the income from the company, but a job might still be nice . . .

I made myself a little snack, using what we still had left over in the kitchen. Once I was done, I made one for Ally too. Crackers and hummus. I didn't know if she was allergic to anything, but crackers and hummus seemed like a safe choice. They were also easily identifiable, so she probably wouldn't eat them if she was allergic. Probably. Hopefully.

I placed the plate down on the glass table in front of the sofa. I placed it down softly, but the porcelain still clinked loudly against the glass. I winced, froze, but relaxed when she didn't even stir. She was too deeply asleep.

I looked at her. She was peaceful now, but her clothes clung to her frame, still soaking wet. Her long hair might have been beautiful once, but right now it just lay matted with unidentifiable substances and wet from the rain. Her face was pale and sunken, and lips were tinged blue.

I sighed. It might have been crazy to bring a stranger into my home, but I don't regret it. She needs help and I will offer as much as I can. I don't know if others will agree with me though. Not many people do.

I go grab a blanket, place it over her, and walk away, leaving her alone. All I hear as I walk are my echoing footsteps, and the rain starting up again. The raindrops hit against the roof and windows, echoing loudly in this huge and silent house.

I stop in the hallway to look out the window. Even though it is noon, it looks like evening. The thick black clouds have rolled in and blocked the light. It was a dismal day, really. I love rain, usually, but this was just depressing. The rain continues to increase, as I watched it fall.

I don't know how long I stood there at the window, leaning on the window frame, and staring outside. It must have been quite a while. I tend to lose track of time when I let my mind wander.

I pulled myself away from the window a while later, and stretched. Not knowing how long I was standing here, I wander back downstairs to check on Ally. I took her in, and now I have to look after her. She might still be asleep, but if she isn't, she's probably wondering where I am. Especially if she's been awake for a while.

Oh dear, I should really keep track of time. Maybe wear a watch.

I rush downstairs faster now, and hurry around to the front living room. Then I come to a halt when I see Ally sitting there calmly, the white wool blanket wrapped around her shoulders, eating the hummus and crackers I set out for her.

"This is reather tasty." She says in greeting.

"You like it?" I ask, then mentally hit myself. Of course she liked it, she just said so herself.

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