Chapter Seven: Class Time

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Being new turned quite a few heads as it always did. It of course didn't help that Taylor decided to swing the light, wooden door open so fast it slammed into the wall with a bang.

"Why did you do that?" I hissed at him from where I was still tucked protective under his arm.

He smirked down at me. "I hate his place, but it's still good to start your day our with a bang."

"I see that you took that saying in a literal sense and decided to make our presence loudly known to the entire hall." I seethed, not liking this negative attention.

"Mhm." He hummed. "Perfect. Would have been better if the whole school heard us though."

The teacher looked frozen for a minute, standing there with his back to the class and white chalk up to a black board. He quickly un-froze and turned a frosty gaze on Taylor instead.

"You knock politely and wait for me to answer." The teacher said frostily. "This is very disruptive and rude."

A few other people snigger. I look around and see that everyone has looked up and is watching the exchange excitedly. Of course. Everyone is happy to soak in as much drama as their tiny minds possibly could.

"Sorry, sir." Taylor says, without an ounce of remorse in his voice.

The teacher looks too tired to deal with Taylor at the moment and turns his attention to me. He looks at my face, then the uniform I was wearing, putting two and two together slowly in his tired brain.

"Care to introduce us to the new student?" He asks.

Taylor smiles. "Gladly." He pushes me forward and places his hands on my shoulder, making me feel as if I was on display and shielded all at once. "Hey everyone, you already know me, of course." A few more snickers and giggles. "Today I bring along Ally. She's a family friend and will be visiting for a while. She's new to the area, so let's show her just how great this school and it's student body really is!"

The fake enthusiasm in Taylor's voice towards the end was obvious, and then was, of course, followed by a few more snickers all around. I wondered just how similar this school would be to my own.

The teacher did the obvious and pointed out the free seats that I could clearly see with my own two eyes. I picked the one by the window, as there weren't any free near Taylor's seat and being able to look out the window, no matter how dysmal the view, was something I liked to do. It also gave me an excuse not to bore my eyes into another person's back or make my neck hurt from craning it over the paper to avoid all the curious stares of everyone else.

I sat between a redheaded girl behind me and in front of me was a brown haired boy. I regretted it almost the moment I settled down into that seat, because I could see the burning curiosity on in the redheads eyes, and with the inattentiveness of the teacher, she would probably be able to chat non stop to me and pepper me with questions. Now came the option of ignoring her and seeming very rude and stand off-ish, answering everything vaguely and getting her more confused which would probably lead to an endless stream of questions, or answering them all and revealing way to much about myself and also eventually tiring myself out emotionally.

Why oh why did Taylor have to be surrounded by so many friends and leave me all the way over here to deal with this by myself? Humans were so social and had no real boundaries, and I didn't like it, if it wasn't being used in my favor or to my advantage. It just easily became tedious after a very short amount of time.

I was endlessly glad that Taylor either liked to prattle on about himself or generally vague topics of conversation and Jacob tended to stay quiet and reserved most of the time. If I would have ended up in the house of the redhead, who I could already tell wasn't accustomed to the word 'no', I would have lost my mind and left long ago.

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