Preston and Nathan

15 3 0

I tasted blood as it trickled down my lips, starting from my forehead. It was raining, and I felt freezing. My clothes ripped, I was almost naked... But I didn't care. I was going to die.

I remembered everything that had happened. I entered my new apartment, and I saw a mysterious man inside. He tried to kill me.

How? And why did he?

I felt myself start to drift away. Where? I wasn't sure. I opened my eyes to see a shadow, and in horror I shut them and passed out.


I could hear faint voices as I slowly woke up.

"Preston, you need to stop touching her wound. You're going to infect it."

"I'm not trying to, but I'm trying to put some medication on it."

"Don't you think we need a doctor? That cut is deep, man."

"Nathan, they already gave us instructions when we called earlier."

"Oh yeah.."

I fully opened my eyes, to see beautiful, brown eyes gaze down at me. He had dark-brown messy hair, which still looked pretty cute. Beside him, a tall, crystal-blue eyed man crossed his arms and smiled at me.

"Hey, she woke up." The blue-eye said, crouching down to touch my cheek. I blushed and gave him a small grin.

"Are you feeling alright?" The one tending my injury asked, locking into my eyes with question.

"Y-Yeah.. I'm fine." I immediately coughed right after, burning my throat.

"Nathan, get her some cough medicine." Nathan, the blue-eye dashed into the kitchen.

"So, what's your name?" The brunette (do you only call girls brunettes?) asked me.


"Hannah... Hannah..." He murmured my name quietly. "I was always so fond of that name." He brushed my almost-black hair with his hand.

"What's yours?"

"Mine? Oh, uhm, it's Preston."

"Preston?" I emphasized the last half of his name jokingly.

"Hahha, that's way too fancy for me." He gave me a goofy smile.

"Here's the medicine?" Nathan came in with a spoon.

"How old are you, Hannah?" Preston asked me..


He got the right amount and handed the spoon over to me. Our hands touched, and I felt a huge wave of something pass through me.

What was it? I just met him... Is it.. Love?

"Thanks." I quickly replied when he looked at me. I sipped the medicine, and gave back the silver spoon.

I felt strangely better, and was now fully awake. Where am I? When will I have to leave?

Then Preston spoke up, and asked, 

"Sooo.. Uhh, I'm going to have some company over soon. Would you like to eat with us or.."

Then, a doorbell echoed throughout the whole house.

"That's them. I'll get the door."

I didn't know what to do, I was still horrified from my attack and didn't want to see anyone but Preston and Nathan. I whimpered as Nathan beside me and stroked my hair.

"It's okay. This is my first time meeting them too." 

Those words cured my fright and I nodded, ready to meet the newcomers.


I don't really CARE if this isn't the same in IRL but whatever hope you enjoyed

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