The Pack

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"Hey P-Dawg! It's been a while!" A deepish voice yelled.

"Oyyyyy!!! My boy Preston!" An aussie voice greeted excitedly.

"How you been, cactus king?" An English accent asked.

I looked at Nathan. He mouthed the words, 

It's okay. They're friendly.

I nodded and stood up, feeling a little weak again, but I managed to get myself off the couch, Nathan at my side. 

"Umm.. You can go ahead if you want.. I'll catch up, okay?"

"You sure?" He asked, looking back.

I replied with a slight nod.

I took a deep breath and let it out. I can do this... I told myself.

Right when I looked up, I met an eyes of a hazel-brown haired guy, and I almost bumped into him.

"Woah! Careful there. Hey.. I've never seen you here before, who are you?"

I opened my mouth to speak when a Australian blonde stepped in.

"Hey, Preston, is she your girrllllfrienddd?" He teased. Preston flushed and ran over to me.

"Umm, you know I already have Paige, Lachlan." He quickly looked at the floor. "I found Hannah when she got stabbed by someone.. I'm still not sure what happened."

"Stabbed?" A guy with darker skin practically jumped around the corner. "By who?"

"I'm not sure..." He covered for me. I felt embarrassed and wanted to hide my bandages, yet grateful he answered their questions for me.

Two other guys walked in, them all eager to hear my story. I hesitated. I didn't know these people.

How could I trust them?

I took a quick breath, then told them.

"I was born in Canada, Alberta, my background from Korea." I chuckled as 2 of my listeners shouted "Ayyyy" and high-fived my hands. They must be from Canada too.

"I guess I had a pretty normal life... Except I don't know what to do as a job, so I decided to come to America to find a job I can enjoy. I moved in an apartment not far from here... But the moment I went in the door, I saw someone. He was a male, black hair and green, piercing eyes." I paused to let all the memories flow in. 

"He was my ex-boyfriend."

Everyone gasped and muttered words silently to themselves, until I continued.

"He.. he tried to kill me.." I broke into tears and fell into Nathan's lap, broken. Everyone else moved closer and started comforting me, which made me feel somewhat better, but the pain didn't stop. I remembered the sharp dagger, it seemed to crush through my skull. I don't even remember how I escaped and ran outside.... 

Nathan wiped away my tears with his soft, caring fingers he kissed me on my forehead, and I giggled. It felt nice, even if my injury was near it.

I recovered and started to get more comfortable around them. I learned their names, Mitch, the person I almost bumped into, Lachlan, the only blonde of the group, Vikk, with his British accent, Rob, who had a small stubble and Jerome, who had a brown beard and a "dad" hat. I liked all of them, but I loved Lachlan's sense of humor and jokes the most.

"So, what are we having for dinner?" Mitch asked, right after a huge growl from his stomach.

"CHIPOTLE!" Everyone else screamed at once.

Me, being the nerd I am, didn't know what chipotle was. I sheepishly asked, "What's that?" And everyone looked at me funny.

"WHAT? All I have is maple syrup and poutine all day." I joked, since that's what we Canadians love.

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