ch.4 where am i?

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A/N: So I'm warning you now from here on out its gong to be kinda gross or demented in a way so if you don't like some kinky daddy shit I suggest you stop reading right now. (also when I typed nasty I thought of miss Jackson loll XD)

When I woke up I groaned at the pain in my head, I try and grip my head but my hands were pinned down by handcuffs around a pole of a bed frame. I started to tug at them starting to get scared. Why me? I didn't do anything wrong. As I started to whimper at the blood running down my arm I heard the door open across from me, I watched as a short man with black hair and hazel eyes walked in. he had a smashing pumpkins shirt, and ripped jeans. He took a seat next to the bed I was attached to, he crossed his legs and watched me. "w -what do you want?" I asked with a stutter, this made him smile.

"Well I want you to be my little slave. Do you think you could do that?" His smile turned to a sadistic smirk, he crossed his fingers which made me notice the tattoos on them. Suddenly I see a hand flash and a sharp pain in my cheek after a loud smack. "If I ask you a question I expect you to answer." The man said while leaning back. "Well are you going to be my salve or am I going to have to kill you?" I didn't want to be his slave but I also didn't want to die either, but seeing my options you would have picked the same.

"I- I'll be your slave." I lowered my head as I hear him get up and walk closer to me, and to my surprise he leans in and pulls out a set of keys and unlocks the hand cuffs.

A/N: SEE I TOLD YOU! IT GETS WORSE ON THE SEXUAL SPECTRUM BY THE WAY! hope you guys liked this addition to stranger. I made my friend read this,and lets just say she gave me a look and died right next to me xD


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