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"Alright get in a line boys." Coach Jefferson shouted as he blew his whistle.

We obeyed, standing in a line and starting practice. You see, I was on a football team. The head quarterback for our school. Now, you think I'm some chick-magnet fuckboy who drugs girls at parties. That is not who I am though, you see, I'm gay. A gay in a catholic school. Or Christian? Who cares. They hate homosexuals. 

I walked to the benches to get water when I overheard the coach talking with a male student.

"Now I don't need you making a fool of my team you... You... Fag. I will have no fags on my team. Get out of my face Simon. " The coach said, his stern eyes burning into Simon.

Simon nodded, backing off. "I understand sir." He mumbled.

"Be like some other normal boy and I'll reconsider."

This is why I'm not out. They judge and harass you. I can't have that. I'm the head quarterback.

I glanced over my shoulder to see cheerleaders behind me, giggling and blushing. I jumped, yelping. They of course giggled, calling me awkward and a dork. The head cheerleader, who's name I forgot and don't want to know, sat by me. "Hey babe...." She whispered to me.


"You heard me," she grinned. "It's like the law for the head cheerleader and the head quarterback to date. And who's better than me?"

"Chloe, leave him alone..." A dark-brunette with fair skin spoke.

"Shut up Amelia, you're just jealous that you're never gonna get a boyfriend and be as cool as me." Chloe tossed a , probably fake, blonde lock.

"Hey leave Amelia alone." I said quickly gathering my things.

"Don't leave me Chasey!!" She jumped up pouting. "Ugh fuck you Amelia.." She shouted.

I ran off to wherever Simon went, which was behind the bleachers. Crying a little actually. "Hey Si-"

"If you are here to judge me and are sent by the coach get the fuck outta here." He snapped at me quickly.

"No, no! I just wanna talk to you." I sighed sitting next to him. "You okay?"

"Why do you even care? You wouldn't get it. It's not a phase, it's who I like. You're just some popular boy who has girls all over them. How many have you fucked?" He spewed out quickly, his green eyes bloodshot and glaring.

"Hey, hey, calm down." I said softly sitting by him. "I care because you shouldn't be treated like this by him."

"Oh so you think my peers can only torment me?" He rolled his eyes lighting a cigarette.

"No. You shouldn't be treated by anyone like that. It's not bad that you're gay." I sighed, taking a cigarette from the package he left on the floor and lighting one for myself.

He looked at me. "Really?" He said as his eyes lite up brighter then the end of his cigarette.

"Really." I smiled at him, looking him over. His dark hair was messy over his eyes, to which I brushed aside. His jawline was sharp and well formed, alike to his other features. His lips were soft and pink, beautiful. He had a scaring on his lip, though, from a fist fight I suppose.

"Chase!" My coach called as I heard footsteps. I quickly put out the cigarette and hid it along with Simon's box. "What are you doing with this...fag?"

"I'm talking some sense into him." I lied, pretending to be sickened. I softly nudged Simon, although it seems like it wouldn't hurt him, he flinched.

"Good job kiddo. But no time for wasting, training is over, but get home." The coach smiled, glaring at Simon as he spit on his cheek.

Once the coach left, I sat next to Simon. "I didn't hurt you, did I?"

"Nah, I'm fine." Simon smiled wiping the spit of his cheek. "Thank you Chase." He said, pausing, before pulling me into a tight hug.

I froze, not knowing what to do. I haven't met many other gay dudes, no one like me. My cheeks lite up a bit, and than I hugged him back, tightly. I felt him whisper something but it was muffled.

Hours past of us talking, and it was 12 by now. "Shit.." Simon said turning on his phone. "I'm late."

"What time is it?" I asked.


"Ah shit me too. Here," I said handing him my number. "Text me if any shit happens."

"I will." He smiled.

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