7: Sleepover

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Walking into the pack house was uncomfortable, everyone gawked at me as I shifted a sleeping Tristian in my arms. One of the younger girls made her way towards me, arms stretched out to take him. The growl that came from me was enough to have her stopping in her tracks.

“Careful, she bites.”

The musical laughter of Cordy was heard before she was seen, pushing her way through the crowd. She stopped in front of me and looked at Tris, sympathy written all over her face as she bent down and place a small kiss to his forehead.

I couldn’t help the small growl that escaped my throat from her actions and as soon as it left me I felt guilty. I knew she would never hurt him but I didn’t like her display of affection towards him. He was mine.

Shaking the possessive thoughts and feelings away I muttered an awkward sorry.

“No worries, I should have known better. I can feel the bond, it was stupid of me.”

Cocking my head to the side I tried to figure out what she meant by ‘the bond’. Sensing my confusion she shook her head and waved her hand for me to follow her.

“Come on, I’ll show you to his room.”

Nodding I followed her up the stairs to the door just across from Ryker’s room. Setting him in his bed, I pulled off his shoes and tucked him in. Looking around a smile played on my lips as I took in his personal space.

His bed frame was black complimented by the midnight blue bedding. The soft pearl carpet unstained, spotless aside from the dozens of toys that littered the floor. His drawers all pushed in except for the top one that had socks and a pair of pants hanging out.

Chuckling I walked over and shoved the contents back in and closed it silently. Looking at the pictures on top, him and Ryker playing football out back, both with wide grins and bright eyes.

Just as I put the picture back down, I spotted a small red wolf carving. The details were intricate, each line of fur so complex it almost looked real. Everything from the tail to the muzzle was a splitting image of my own wolf, he even had the small branding on my shoulder that showed through when I shifted.

“He made that last year. Says it’s his mother wolf.”

Warmth spread throughout me at the thought of him making this.

“Mother wolf?”

“He says the Blood Wolf is his mother, when she comes she’ll love him and stay with him forever. That even though she’s not his real mummy they will be blood.”

Blood Wolf, mother, forever. Those were the only words running through my head as Cordy went to open the second drawer and pulled out another small carving. A golden wolf.

Placing them side by side she looked at me and grinned.

“Alpha is the golden wolf, Tris says his mate will be the red wolf.”

I’m pretty sure my mouth was on the floor by now but the knowing look in Cordy’s eyes had me feeling lightheaded. I needed to sit.

“So Dallas….what color is your wolf?”


I lied. I lied big time, but they couldn’t know! Jax had told me never to tell anyone I was a red wolf. I was never to show anyone either. He never said why, just that it was very important that I didn’t.

“What? Are you sure? Because I’m positive you are Alphas mate. This makes no sense!”

There was that word again, Mate.

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