That feeling...

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Mark's POV
I carefully pulled my white shirt over my naked torso and buttoned it up. I heard a knock on the door to our bedroom.

"Ready, sweet?!" I heard Jack call.

I inhaled deeply and fixed my hair slightly before replying.

"It's open!"

He teared open the door and sighed as he collapsed on the soft quilts. I turned and looked at him in confusion.

"I thought you'd still be shirtless..."

I laughed and jumped on top of him, tickling his sides. He went into a fit of laughter and squirmed around to try and break free.

"Mark... S-Stop... We need.... To...G-Go!" He tried to form his words.

"Okay, okay!" I pulled away making a pout face. I could already feel sweat building up inside me and I was slightly shaking. Jack got up and held my hands running his thumbs gently over my knuckles to calm me down.

We ran downstairs got the car keys and went out the door, I always drive which my boyfriend wasn't happy about this time because he thought I was pressured enough by just meeting his family.

*Time for da boss time skip peeps*

I felt a shiver down my spine and I quickly shook it off as I walked round the other side of the car and opened the passenger seat to let Jackaboy out.

Jack's POV
I didn't let go of Mark's hand as we walked to the door of my parents house, in fact I squeezed it tighter for reassurance. Being the kind person he was, the red- haired goof rung the door bell lightly. He took a quick glance at me then at the door which soon opened.

"Ohhh... Sean, you shouldn't ring the door bell so quietly! Your poor granny can't hear it!" My gran has a very soft but wobbly voice which I love. (A/N please don't kill me I don't know anything about Jack's family except for his gran died i watched that in the game that dragon cancer when he played it)

Mark's POV
Jack's grandma was so delicate and fragile, she turned to me and smiled brightly despite her old age. She leaned in to give me a gentle hug and I carefully hugged back.

"Nice too meet you, Mark?" She said my name in confusion like she couldn't remember it. I nodded as I replied, tripping over the some of the words.

"You must be so nervous!" I looked at her and bit my lip slightly. "Anyways come in."

She slowly walked towards the wall and beckoned us in, I pushed Jack in front of me so I didn't feel anymore pressured. Jack was greeted by tons of family members and I stepped back from the hubbub of activity surrounding him. After a few minutes everyone stood back themselves and looked at me. Jack smiled and turned around to face me.

Jack's POV
I pulled Mark forward and held his hand.

"Family, friends, this is my boyfriend..." I paused to let him carry on.

Mark's POV
Jack suddenly pulled me forward and began his sentence to introduce them to me.

"Mark" I continued slightly gaining back my confidence. Before I knew it, Jack's ma led me to my seat with everyone else. I was a bit scared at the fact that I was opposite my boyfriend rather then next to him and I tried to shrug it off and sat down next to his ma and uncle.

Jack's POV
We all began to eat lunch and conversations started up, mostly about how my YouTube career was going. At one point I got the chance to take a glance at Mark who was physically shaking, enough so if you looked closely you could see. I slid my hand under the table and placed it on his knee soothingly.

"How's the food, Mark?" asked one of my aunties. He looked up and nodded, scared to reveal his voice too much. I chuckled slightly and everyone's eyes locked on me. Mark gave me the look of 'what now?'

"Why don't you show everyone how deep, sexy and seductive your voice is?" I said confidently between laughs and chewing.

Mark's POV
I placed my fork down and glanced at Jack trying to place a smirk on my face, fighting back a laugh that always makes me sound stupid. Jack's parents laughed along with my boyfriend at my face.

"Alright you win, Jackaboy, I can't help it if I am slightly under pressure though, can I?" I blurted out, picking up my spoon and stirring the homemade soup beside me.

I suddenly heard a few wows and what a voice from some of Jack's siblings. I coughed and prepared myself for a low sexy voice.

"Oh trust me, I can do better then that." I giggled slightly and smiled through my words. Jack was lost in my voice and the room was once again filled with awws, they are so cute and look at Jack. Suddenly his head began leaning in, he was lost in thought, he fluttered his eyes shut and I leaned in.

Jack's POV
That was it, his voice is to sexy. So hard rn! My thoughts span in my head and I got lost in my own world and leaned in to close the gap between us. It was a short and sweet kiss but yet that slight bit passionate. Down below I could feel something come up and I quietly gulped. I smiled into the kiss and pulled away, a bright tomato red painted on my face and a light pink on Mark's. Suprisingly all I heard was, awws or get a room. Curse you balls! I thought looking down slightly and looking back up again. I covered my area so there was less chance of people seeing, even if the table did help hide it.

Mark's POV
I laughed at Jack's sudden movement of kissing me and without caring what was around me I said

"You are so adorable, you Irish dork!"

That was one fun chapter to write! Sorry it's long! Currently it is 10:54pm I am meant to be sleeping unfortunately but I am instead secretly writing fan fic hehe! Let me know if you want a part two, three and four; the aftermath of Mark meeting Jack's family, Jack meeting Mark's family, the aftermath of Jack meeting Mark's family... Please let me know in the comments or in future oneshots THANKS! Also I can't remember who did it but someone did this fanfic but Jack meeting Mark's parents, thanks for inspiring it, I'll let you know if I find them! Thank you though if you know who you are xx
Suggestions welcome! Thanks my little diamonds! I'm calling you that now...
Love Sky A.K.A Pip❤️

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