I still love ya! (Gender bent) Part 1

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Ok guys so I decided to not put * in the middle of swear words and just fucking type them coz why not! Also I will begin to write jack's speech in his accent when I want to so yeah! Let's begin!

Markimoo's POV (dat rhymed XD)
Stretching as I woke up, my eyes opened to the sun-filled red and green room, a sudden headache hitting me hard as my stomache began to tense up. My little Irish boyfriend wasn't in the room.

"Jaaaaaaaccccckkkk!" I whined out, clutching my stomache... Nothing.

"Seeeeeaaaaannnnn!" I tried his real name then I heard footsteps and a girl with long hair, green at the bottom, brown at the top, walked in wearing jack's green t shirt and jeans, one hand on her head...

"Who are you, what have you done with my boyf-!" I trailed off feeling a sharp pain again run through my body; I felt as if I was about to black out.

"It's Jack! I dunno what happened, must have been that stupid drink we had last night!"

"Oh r-right... Please help me up!" Jack began pulling Mark's arm, practically dragging him out into the hallway.

"STOP I FEEL SO ILL!" The half Korean moaned out as he suddenly blacked out.

Jack's POV
A cloud of dust formed around my boyfriend as he was shifted up slightly then dropped back down, beautiful black and red curls formed around his head... Or her!

"Told ya, we're both girls now!"
"How longs this gonna last?!"
"I read on a page it can last up to a week!"
"Fuuuuccckkkk God dammit!"

I stared at her a few minutes, creating a silence.

"We need girl names, I wanna be Jackie!" I explained in a little child voice. Mark stood up brushing herself off.

"Maci for meh?" I stared at her, then pulled her into a warm embrace.

"I think that's gorgeous Macimoo!" I giggled.

Maci's POV
Don't ask why but I just said it!

"I sooooo wanna fuck like this!" I felt my face becoming a slight pink.

"Same... But first we need breakfast!" I leaned in and closed the gap.

"Your lips are so soft!" I said, laughing into the kiss. Jackie pulled me downstairs and turned on the radio, we danced around to it. By the way I look amazing dabbing like this!

Check out my new story guys! It's Adopted by SEPTIPLIER!

Hey guys sorry short chapter, this was really fun to write tho! I will be making another book called Adopted by SEPTIPLIER and maybe I will do a Youtuber chat if it gets highly requested! Ly guys, thanks for all the support Xx

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