Arcade madness!

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I have decided, since I now have another book to alternate between the two each day, making one of these chapters then the next day making another Adopted by SEPTIPLIER chapter. Thanks for 2.9k reads guys! That's INSANE!
Jack's POV
I groaned and walked into the living room where I saw Mark watching some cartoons.

"Maaarrrrrrkkkiiiimmooooo!" I groaned, walking behind the sofa and tugging on his hair. He turned around and smiled and me;

"What is it babe?" He stood on his knees on the sofa and lifted me up and over it, sitting me down next to him.

"Can we go to the arcade or something, I wanna play some old school games..." I looked up at my boyfriend with slight puppy eyes.

"Alright then, just coz you're so adorable!"

Mark's POV
We hopped out of the taxi once I had payed the man.

"COME ON MARK!" The energetic Irishman had already ran a couple metres ahead of me, I just walked to show him that I wanted him to join me, but he didn't even look back XD! I sighed and picked up my pace, beginning to jog towards the arcade as the lights flashed in the afternoon glimmering sunlight.

Slowing down as I entered, I saw Seán's Jaw drop as he saw a little claw machine with some YouTube stuff in it, including Septiceye Sam and TBT (tiny box Tim!) He quickly ran over to it then inserted a coin. I watched carefully telling him where to move it.

"Over a bit more and s-"

"Good luck with that!" I turned around to see da Swedish meatball that is Felix, Bob, Wade and Ken stood behind him grinning at us.

"Oh hey guys!" Jack finished his turn, failing miserably then turned around to hug the others, greetingly. I know that's not a word but fuck it 😂.

"What u guys doing here?" I asked, lifting up one eyebrow in confusion.

"Duh, we decided to play some games!" Wade chuckled, "How much you guys win so far?"

"We only just got here what bout u?" The Irishman questioned. The guys showed us the stuff they won so far, Minion plush which Wade got, A YouTube pillow that Bob won and a figure from an anime that Felix got from a claw machine. Each of them went to different games and tried to get tickets to also get something from the prize counter.

"Maaarrrkkkk!" Jack groaned at me from the slot machine next to me.

"I'm so tired! But I don't wanna leave coz the guys are here!" He flopped into my chest, pushing me back slightly as I wrapped my arms around him.

"Want the guys to come sleepover at our house maybe?" He looked up at me with puppy eyes; "Can we?" I nodded my head and covered my ears as I knew what was coming...

"WOOOWOOWOWOWOOOO!" (Happy wheels sound effect thing he does if u know what I mean😂)

By the way I meant to put this up yesterday but I was really busy so yeah, I'll publish this and another adopted by SEPTIPLIER chapter Xx (I need suggestions comment below plz!) Love u guys- Sky A.K.A Pip❤️

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