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Brooklyn started the movie which turned out to be "Lights Out" which I heard was VERY scary

I began to feel nervous even though I didn't want to make a fool out of myself in front of Brooklyn and Romeo

I kept catching Romeo look at me and we just smiled at each other Sadley

I absolutely hate jump scares, and of course there were so many in the movie

One of them was very bad tho

All of a sudden when the girl is in the dark, the dead creepy ladies face pops up in the camera

I screamed and covered my head with Blankets

Romeo ran over and tried to hug me but Brooklyn blocked him out of the way

"No no no Brother, the movie isn't over so you can't sit talk or touch her" Brooklyn said laughing

I looked over at Cruz and he looked a bit upset that I was scared

"Brooklyn come on" Cruz said

"Nope, I'm the oldest and the oldest makes the choices" he said smirking

I rolled my eyes and watched the movie as Romeo frowned and walked back to the other side of the room

I sat on the floor next to the couch so I could kind of block out the sound

"Ellie are you alright?" Cruz asked worriedly

"Yeah" I whispered

I freaking hate scary movies, i feel my breathing start to hitch so I put the blanket over my head to try to block everything out

After a few minutes of me not saying anything Brooklyn asked "Did Ellie fall asleep?"

"I'll go look" Cruz said walking over and ripping the Blanket off of my head seeing me have trouble breathing a bit

"oh gosh Ellie um take a deep breath it's okay everything's fake"

That's when Romeo ran over grabbed my hand and ran us to the living room

After we got to the room he sat with me on the couch until I started breathing normally again

"Oh man I'm sorry, I just don't really like horror movies and my I had trouble breathing a bit" I say slightly laughing

"Hey hey, it's okay it's alright remember everything's fake" He said whispering

"I'm good now, thanks" I say looking up at him smiling

"No problem, I'm always here. Do you want to watch another movie?" He asks

"Nah the food will distract me" I said laughing

He laugh kissed my cheek and we went back upstairs


I hope you guys liked this chapter!
Please comment if you did:)

So I've been thinking and I'm so so happy that I have hit over 600 views And this book it #5 in #RomeoBeckham
The next chapter will actually not be an update but a huge Thank You Page

Soo to celebrate I'm going to start a Groupchat with you guys on Instagram to connect more! Please comment if you would like to be in the Groupchat and tell me your usernames! I will make it and I can't wait to get to know all of my lovely readers more!

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