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Not edited🌞

after the plane ride me and Levi walked in the LAX airport looking to where our moms might be
"Isn't if funny how our moms are like best friends now?" Levi laughs as we stroll our luggage around

"I swear their whole Instagram feed was them together while we were in New York" I laugh picturing them having girl days together at the spa and getting their nails done kid free


me and Levi turn around and see our moms holding a poster that says
"Welcome home Pan Twins"

"Ohmygod" I say laughing as we walk to them

"They're crazy" Levi says as we laugh

"Hi mom" I say as she attacks me in a hug smiling

"Oh god you've been far away too long" she says as she smiles looking at Levi and his mom hugging

"The producers want you guys to tour the set today after we drop our luggage off at our homes" Levi's mom, Mrs. Miller, says as me and Levi groan

"We literally just got here" Levi frowns

"That's business buddy" Mrs. Miller says ruffling Levi's hair

we say goodbye and walk to our cars, driving to home for a while

"Are you excited to see your room? I had it made over a little bit like your black and white aesthetic" she says while steering the car through the LA traffic

"Yeah thanks, im excited to go tour the studio"

After stopping by to get some Chick Fi La we pulled up to the apartment drive way

"Ohmygod this is huge" I breathe out climbing out of the car grabbing my bags

"Here come on" mom says opening the door

"Your rooms down that hall to the left" she says washing her hands at the sink

I fast walk to my room, excited to see the view
when I get to the door frame, I stop in awe taking in the surroundings

The Whole room aesthetic is black and white, with a few decor of champagne pink

The walls are white, my bed headboard black with a white comforter and a zebra print throw blanket

hard wood floors with black dressers and small white tables as bedside tables, with fake  little cacti as decor

I start to unpack when my mom yells that there's a surprise at the Set and we need to go now, so we hop in the Jeep and drive off

After pulling in the parking lot I saw Levi run up to my door

"You got to come check it out! it's so cool" he says smiling

I step out and we race out to the opening, looking at all the lights and green screens

"Oh by the way your friend-" Levi stars to say but than gets interrupted


I turn around and see Annmarie sitting in a directors chair cross legged, with a beret and black glasses

I burst out laughing and run to go hug her

"Ohmygod what are you doing here?" I ask laughing

"I'm coming back on tour with you guys remember! And my mom bought a house in LA too since my dad acts" she replies

"Sorry to interrupt, but Ellie, the costume designers have our costumes for the show and need a fitting done right this instant" Levi says taking my hand

Annmarie looks at our hand and looks up at me  wiggling her eyebrows

"I'll explain later" I say as I run off with Levi

"Sorry, i didn't mean to grab your hand we just had to go right then, but anyways are you ready to transform into Violet?" He says

"It's fine, I don't know Mr. Levi Miller, are you ready to turn into the iconic Peter Pan?"

Authors note

hey babes!
we just hit 30k reads! thank you thank you we've come so far! And also happy late 4th of July to my American lovers :) this chapter wasn't very good, but I needed to post something

I hope you all are having a wonderful day/night💘✨

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