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"BLAKE! BLAKE WAKE UP! IT'S TIME FOR SCHOOL!" My little brother Brady practically screeched into my ear. "alright i'm coming! jeez" I pushed him off of me and trudged into the bathroom. After i brushed my teeth, I went to my wardrobe and picked an outfit, which consisted of grey tights with famous city names on them, black high waist-ed shorts, (yes, i still wear tights and shorts. DON'T JUDGE ME.) and a blue top with a reindeer made out of sequence stitched onto it. I grabbed my phone and went downstairs. "mom!" i yelled, "i'm skipping breakfast!" no answer. "MOM? DID YOU HEAR ME?!?" no answer. I panicked a little and ran into the kitchen. On the granite counter I found a note. 'Dear Blake,' it said, 'I left for work early Please be nice to your brother and drive him to school with you. Love, Mom Xx' well, time to yell at my little bro. "Brady! C'mon! We're going to be late for school! Don't make me drag you down here!" God I sound like mom. "I'm here now! Let's go!" I had to drag him out of the house since he was taking forever trying to tie his sneakers. "Drive, women drive!" Brady hollered once we jumped into my car. "ok, OK. i'm going, sheesh."


Once we arrived the school, Brady hopped off and gave me the oppertunity to park my car. Just as i was about to step out, i got a text from Claire, my best friend since kindergarden.

(C is Claire and B is Blake)

C: yo where r u? class is gonna start in 5 mins!

B: ok i'm almost there. i had to drive brady with me and he took like 10 hours tying his shoes. i'm at the door. bye.

C: k bye

I turned my phone off and entered the classroom. i walked over to my desk, which was next to Claire's. "Hey, can i talk to you after school? i need to tell you something." Clair whispered into my ear. I nodded in response and payed attention while the teacher was taking the attendance. The only reason she said 'after school' and not 'after class' is because i only have homeroom with her and its sucks. After homeroom, I walked to my next period, which was math. fun.


The next six periods went by painfully slowly. Lunch wasn't much better either. I was about to head to my car since school was over, but then i remembered that Claire wanted to talk to me now. I texted her yo meet me by the big oak tree near the field. I walked over to the oak and waited. Five miniutes later, Claire came. "Ok," she started. "I've heard that there was a robbery near downtown and i wanted to warn you just in case you haven't heard about it yet. I also wanted to ask you is you wanted to go to the Grandville Island Market after school. "ok" I said. "let me just drop Brady at home and then we'll go." Claire just nodded and got into my car. I texted Brady saying for him to hurry up or I'll leave without him. About ten seconds later,he exited the school and got into my car. I told him to behave at home and not to brake anything since I'll be at the Grandville Island Market. All Brady did was grunt and sigh. Once we got home Brady got off and went to his room. I grabbed my wallet and purse and got into my car. On the way, Claire and I just talked about random stuff and sang along to the radio. In no time we were at our destination, the Market. "Let's go walk around and and look at the cool shops!" Claire said. I just replied with an: "ok, let's go!"


"I'm hungry!" Claire whined. "You're always hungry!" Claire shot me a playful glare. "Ok, let's go eat." Right before we could turn around, we heard a loud gunshot. BOOM! Claire and i screamed along with the other terrorized people. That's when it hit me. It's a robbery.

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