chpt. 2: Green Eyes

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"EVERYBODY ON THE GROUND! NOW!" One of the five guys yelled. Claire and I dove behind a table. I looked at her and and I could see fear clear in her ice-blue eyes. I nodded at her to stay and i pointed up signinalling I was going to peek at what's going on up there. Claire nodded as well in response and I carefully rose upwards to peek at the scene. There, I saw three guys with pistols wearing black ski masks. "I thought there were five?" Then the guys started to go to tall the cash registers and took all the money out of them. I crouched back down to Claire, who was chewing her strawberry blonde hair and was shaking in instense fear. I quickly made up an escape plan in my head and explained it to Claire. "Ok, this is what we're going to do. We're gonna back up slowly and quietly to that exit," I pointed to the exit a few meters behind us. "and once we get there, we run. No questions asked." I whispered the plan to her. All Claire could do was nod. "3,2,1, go!" I whisper/shouted loud enough so only she and I could hear. As we backed up slowly, I had a sick feeling in my stomach that we were going to get caught. Sadly, I was right. While we were backing up, I bumped into something hard. I thought it was a wall, but as I turned around, i realized it was a chest. A man's chest. I looked up and my chocolate brown eyes were met with sapphire green ones and a black ski mask. I knew this wasn't good. I looked aroung frantically trying to find Claire. I spotted her and she was standing in front of another guy with a black ski mask. The guy behind her had his hand on her mouth so she wouln't scream. I looked back at the guy whom I had run into and noticed his hands were on my waist. "GUYS LET'S GO!" one of the other five guys yelled at the other four. "You two ladies are coming with us." Green Eyes said. His voice was thick and husky and he had a British accent. "C'mon, hurry up." Green Eyes pushed me and Claire into a black Range Rover. After we were all in, one of the guys started up the car and drove down the highway as if nothing had happened at all. They all took off their ski masks and I looked at Green Eyes. SWEET BABY JESUS. HE'S BEAUTIFUL. I eyed him up and down even though we were in a car, I could still see the rest of him. ERMERGERD. EVEN HIS BODY IS BEAUTIFUL. Green Eyes ruffled his chocolate brown curls and caught me staring. He smirked. "Like what you see?" I felt my face flush red and turned to the window. Claire was sitting beside the man who she had run into. Even he was hot! AWE, WHO AM I KIDDING, THEY'RE ALL HOT! But something about Green Eyes attrackted me to him. It wasn't just his looks, yeah he was cute but something else was attracting me to him. Eh, I'll find out sooner or later. "So," I started, "What are your names? I don't think me and my friend here are going anywhere anytime soon since you guys kidnapped us, so tell us." The boy in the front passenger seat faced me and said "I'm Liam! Nice to meet you!" Liam had big brown eyes and a buzz cut. He didn't seem like the criminal type. And, he seemed nice. "I"M LOUIS!" The boy who was driving yelled a little too loudly. From the rearview mirror I could se that he had ocean blue eyes, and feather brown hair. "I'm Niall!" The boy who took Claire said. He had blonde hair and brown roots, He also had ocean blue eyes, but his were brighter. "I'm Zayn." The boy sitting beside Green Eyes said. Zayn had golden brown eyes almost like mine, jet black hair styled into a quiff. He seemed like the bad boy type, but not as bad as robbing an entire market. "And I'm Harry." Green Eyes-I mean Harry said. So THAT'S his name. "Where are we going?" I asked. "To our hideout" Niall responded. I don't know how I had missed it, but all the boys had British accents exept for Niall, who I think is Irish. I felt an arm wrap around my waist and I instantly froze. I noticed it was Harry who was the culprit. Literally. I started blushing because have never had a boyfriend before, let alone kissed one. And I kinda sorta have a crush on him. I know he kidnapped me and we just met like half of an hour ago, but like I said, something is attracking me to him. "I'M HUNGRY!" Claire whined/spoke for the first time. "Me too. LOUIS THERE'S A MCDONALD'S! LET'S EAT THERE!" Niall said. "Wait, won't people recondnize you? I mean, you are criminals." I said. "Well, we wear ski masks so they don't see our faces. So, I don't think they will." Harry said. "LET'S GOOOOOO!" Niall shouted. "Oh Niall, what are we going to do with you?" Liam said. Oh boy.

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