Chapter 10

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Kara's house was big. I mean mansion big, but it really was a mansion if you think about it. A trim garden was set in the front yard, with a tan 3 story house right behind it.

" Wow, your house is really nice." I said, my jaw dropping to the brick driveway as we got out of the car.

Kara smirked as she walked to the front door," I know." She called.

We walked into the house to find a man in a suit waiting behind the door. He was a little old looking with brown hair turning grey, with a tall and slender build, and black rimmed glasses sitting on his nose.

" Ms. Kara, welcome home. Let me take your bags." The man said as Kara tossed the overflowing amount of bags at his feet.

" Marcus, tell Chef Clark to get us a snack. We'll be in my room." Kara called to Marcus...wait, did she say Chef?

As we walked up the stairs I asked," Who's Marcus?"

To that Kara replied casually," My butler."

I gasped," have a butler and a chef?" I asked.

She nodded peacefully as we reached her bedroom door.

I know that really rich people had chefs and butlers, but I had never actually met one of those people. I wonder what her day to day life is like with people ready to serve her when...well ,I guess , whenever she wants serving.

Kara broke me out of my inner thoughts when she opened the door to her room.

Wow. Her room was huge with a king sized bed with a white bed spread, bathroom, walk in closet, white vanity that displayed her huge make-up collection through see through cases, white desk, and a huge flat screen tv. There was a nightstand on either side of the bed with white lamps on each one, and a white bookcase bare of actual books but replace with organized fashion that was understandable for her.

" Oh, Elissa, this is my cat...Duchess." Kara said holding up a gray fluff ball with a tiny pink nose and big eyes. Their was a crystal collar hanging around its neck...wait, are those real?

I reached my hand out to pet the cat, but I jumped back when she hissed at me, showing me her pretty white and extremely sharp teeth.

" Guess she doesn't like you." Kara smirked, placing the devil of a cat on a small fluffy white cat bed with lace and sparkles right in front of her bed.

" I can see that." I said scurrying to the bed because now the cat was giving me a death glare.

Lana , Claire, and Kara sat on the bed with me. I heard a muffled ringtone and Claire dug her iPhone out of her COACH bag.

" It's my mom. Give me one minute." Claire said jumping off the bed and walking into the haul, slamming the bedroom door behind her.

" Oh my gosh, her shorts look terrible on her." Lana said the second the door clicked closed.

What? I thought she looked great.

" Un, duh Lana. And, I already told her a million times to straighten that mop on top of her head." Kara said studying her newly manicure finger tips.

What are these girls talking about? Nothing is wrong with Claire at all. I was about to retaliate but Kara turned toward me and opened that big mouth of hers.

" We were thinking about kicking Claire out of the group, but her dad gets us discounts at the mall. So we'll have to keep her." Kara said.

Oh my gosh. I didn't think these girls could get even meaner. Who does something like that to a girl like Claire. Oh wait, I know... Kara and Lana.

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