Chapter 5

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Click. Swish. Click. Swish. Click. Swish. Swish. Click...

" STOP IT! Just stop!" I snapped at Kathy.

She shook, looking like she was jumping out of a haze as she stopped messing with a locker lock.

" Oh, sorry. Eric hasn't been talking to me for a while, I don't know why." She said, gathering her books as her and I start walking to our next class.

I frowned. Usually Kathy and Eric are all over each other. What's going on?

" That's weird." I say, throwing my arm over her shoulder.

Kathy nodded," Yeah,I'll talk to him later. See ya'." She said as she let go of me and walked into her classroom.

" Bye." I said as I walked through the door across from hers.

" You're late." Ms. Burn, my Bio teacher says strictly.

What the heck? I guess I didn't hear the bell.

I looked around to see all the desks full with teenagers studying and on their phones, holding them in their laps so Ms.Burn couldn't see. In the back of the room, Carter waved his hand frantically at me, smiling wide.

I giggled, and Ms. Burn looked at me angrily," This is not a laughing matter, Ms. Johnson! Now take your seat or you will get a whopping detention." She said firmly, pointing her finger toward my desk.

I mumbled a ' sorry ' and shuffled to my desk, frowing my bag under my desk and dropping my books on top of the desk.

As Ms. Burn talked us through a new chapter, I kept getting hit with crumbled up paper by Carter, obviously trying to get my detention. I sat stiff in my seat, not turning around. If I got a detention for not paying attention, I think my head would explode.

But, after I finally got relaxed, Carter chucked a huge piece of paper at me,bigger than all the other ones and the hit hurt me more than all the other ones. I was so mad that I whipped around and silently yelled at him " What?!?"

" Meet me at Don's." He whispered. I made a face like ' you did all this to tell me that? '. He smiled one of his mesmerizing smiles and I turned around, feeling a bit happier.

                                                                   * * *

I walk into Don's, Josie standing at her regular place behind the counter, new pink streets dyed into her brunette hair. It's a new style every week. I want to have something like that...that gives you a new experience each week.

" Hay Elissa. Carter is by the stage." Josie said, pointing toward a door frame covered with curtains, not taking her eyes away from her book.

" Thanks." I said as I walked into the room, seeing Carter chatting with the current band as they tune up their instruments. He wore a sweatshirt, jeans, and converse low-tops.

I quietly said his name. He heard me, turned around, and smiled widely....once again.
He ran toward me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I grew stiff. What the heck? What was this for?

" I'm so happy you came. Sorry that I threw the paper at you. I just needed to get your attention." Carter said letting go of me and leading me to are table. I sat down to a vanilla ice coffee.

" You could've told me at lunch. Thanks for the coffee, by the way." I said, taking a sip and eyeing him, waiting for his response.

He smirks," But it was so much more fun hitting you with paper!" He says, ruffling my hair like I'm his kid sister or something.

He sits down across from me and holds his chin in his hand," So, I've called you here because I want to plan phase one of Saving Me And Kara's Relationship!" He said, putting the last part in hand brackets.

For some reason, it felt like my heart fell to the bottom of my stomach. What's wrong? I'm here to help Carter, but I don't feel like it. The feeling of helping someone get a girl like Kara back just felt wrong. Someone as good as Carter deserves so much better. But, I said I would help him. And if he ends up falling, I'll always be their to pick him back up again.

" What's the plan." I say, fake acting interested.

" Well here's the plan. I overheard that she's getting together with some friends on Friday, so you have to get an invite and see if she talks about me." He says.

WHAT DID HE JUST SAY?? How could I get an invite to Kara's. She despises me like a dog to a cat. I think Carter might be going crazy. I mean does he think I can just go up to Kara and say," Ummm...I want to go to your party to spy on you and your friends so I can help Carter have a better relationship with you."

" And how is that gonna happen." I guestion, taking another sip of my coffee.

" Well...Uhhh... to be honest I have no idea. My best suggestion would be to just be really nice to her, act like her, dress like her, and get closer to her tomorrow. Ask ' So, what are you doing this weekend .' And when you get to her house, ask her questions about me and write her answers." He said, acting like this was the easiest plan ever with his arm frown other his chair and eating some of his cookie.

" What are you thinking Carter! Even if i offered to be her servant she wouldn't invite me. And besides, I couldn't dress like her, I mean look at my clothes." I said miserably, picking at my sweatshirt and ratted jeans.

He smirks," That's not a problem. Will go to the mall and I'll by you some clothes. Anyways, you'll do fine. As I said before, all you have to do is be cool to her. El', pleas, help me out." He said making a pouty face.

I sighed. Maybe I should help him. He's my best friend after all. I would do anything for him.

" Ugh...fine. But you owe me." I smiled.

" Yes! Well, let's head off to the mall and get you some clothes." He said.

He took my hand and we walked out the door, heading to his car.

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