Teenage Curiosity and Peer Pressure

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As a teenager have you ever been curious about something in particular especially those that are extraordinary? Things like smoking, drinking liquors, having tatoos, going to parties with friends all night long, or even trying some street drugs just to know how it tastes and feels? And everytime you see those people around you having fun doing those things, did it ever cross your mind to even try one?

For me, teenage life is the most difficult stage because it's the stage where we search for more answers on our uncountable questions.It is where we seek for more explanations and broader examples. It's the stage where peer pressure is influential of all and where our curiosity grows more. But what is curiosity and peer pressure?

Curiosity is a hunger to explore and try new things. Because when we are curious, we always ask questions to others and listen to their own experiences. And during those kind of conversations with your friends, classmates, or even acquaintances the excitement of knowing and learning is present in you. Sometimes they even tell you that it's fun and you yourself should try it. This is where peer pressure enters the scene.

Now, peer pressure is defined as a social pressure by members of one's peer group to take a certain action or adopt certain values. It is a kind of pressure that pushes and influences us to do things that we don't normally do.

As we studied our health subject or even our values subject when we were on high school, peer pressure and curiosity always come together. I can say that these factors can affect one's life so much, especially his or her studies and of course his or her dreams.

Once students like us was influenced to do such things there is a big possibility that they will lose their focus on studying. But I can also say that it's once decision if they will choose to do those or not. It is really advisable that the parents talk to their children about this kind of matter to guide them to the right path. Because as we can see these generation of ours is very different from the past generations and peer pressure and curiosity can really harm many teenagers if not properly guided.

All that I can say is all of us knows what's right from wrong, so choose what's best for you and your health. That's all thank you.

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