Valentine's Demon

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I blink open my eyes to a blinding white room. Squeezing them shut, I groan and force myself into a sitting position. Peeling my eyes open again, I find Mrs. Stern face and Mrs. Healer staring at me in surprise. When I open my mouth to ask what happened, I find that my teeth feel different. After careful inspection with my tongue, I discover that my previously only slightly sharper teeth are more noticeable, but only if you're looking for it. I don't get long before I'm bombarded with questions. What was I doing so close to the Forbidden Forest, and so late? Uh, Draco. How did I get past all the teachers on watch? Glamour, duh. Do I know what's going on with my teeth? Yes and no. Can I talk okay? Yes, but I'm not going to. And, most important, why on Earth did I get a sword? That snaps me out of my silence. "Tinea! Where is she?" I demand, frantically scanning the surrounding area. After sharing a confused glance with Mrs. Stern face, Mrs. Healer ventures to respond to me. "The sword? Professor Dumbledore has it in his office. Where did a second year like you even get a sword?" I bite my lip and, when I taste blood, slip my hand into my pocket for my stele only for it to come back out empty. I turn my ever darkening gaze on the teachers, baring my teeth. "Where is my stele?" I grind out in my best attempt at calm. Mrs. Stern face pulls it out of her own pocket and I snatch it from her before she can say a word and slash on an Iratze. Its sloppy, but it does the trick as the pain in my lip diminishes. Then I swing my legs off the bed and stand up, brushing past the teachers easily on my way out.

I somehow find the entrance to the headmaster's office. Instead of attempting to guess the password or do anything else even remotely fair, I apply an opening ruin and hurry up the stairs, to angry to wait for them to take me up. I bang on the door four times when I hear a voice from inside say, "come in." Shoving open the door, I take one step inside and stop, crossing my arms over my chest. When Mr. Long beard looks up and smiles I snarl at him, but he doesn't even falter. "Where is my sword?" I hiss, fury flashing my eyes. Right now I wouldn't care if it was Valentine, or even K, I'm talking to. I all care about is that this man, this foolish man, thinks he can take MY possession. Not to mention the fact that I'm not only-human, or part-human part-angel, or even part-human part-demon, I'm part-human, part-angel, AND part-demon. When the old man just keeps smiling I stalk towards his desk, just barely holding back the desire to grab a dagger. Mr. Long beard simply pulls out Tinea and sets her before me, still smiling. Snatching Tinea, I storm towards the door and pause just long enough to spit at him, "I don't care what compelled you, but NEVER take anything of mine again!" As I make my way down the stairs I hear him call out, "I tried to warn you about bringing your sword. Next time I won't be able to return it to you, so be careful." I ignore him and make my way to the dormitory, wincing just slightly at the pain thrumming through my teeth.

I slip silently into the seat beside Ms. Know-it-all and pull out my Shadowhunter Codex. I've read it enough times I could recite every word of it, but it still remains my go-to book. I decide not to eat anything, as my brain's too busy trying to remember what Valentine just taught me. Instead I flip through the pages of my book, trying to find at least something on the monster tormenting the school, which I'm almost positive is a demon. It's been a while since I attacked Draco and he's been avoiding me since. This, of course, puts me in a foul mood, and so when Mrs. Stern face places a paper with the choices for my new classes in front of me, I almost go off on her. I snatch at the list and scan the classes quickly. Some first year muggle-borns farther down the table keep talking about Easter, making it hard for me to comprehend the options. When I notice Ancient Runes, my eyebrows draw together. Deciding they can't know more confusing runes than the ones I use, I select it as one of my new classes. On a whim I also select Care of Magical Creatures and Divination. Then I sit and watch Mr. Thunderhead and Mr. Eats-a-lot randomly stab at their papers, surprised they aren't choosing carefully when it could very well lead to their future job.

After a while, I head out to the Quidditch pitch and snag one of the school brooms. Flicking my wand at the two wooden balls I'd made, I kick up and am in the air. I swing the Beater's Club Madam Hooch gave me permission to use, knocking one of the balls away. Someone else comes out on the pitch and my other fake Bludger immediately darts down. I speed after it, swatting it away mere centimeters from the blonde head. Draco looks up, startled, and stares after the ball. I land my broom next to him and keep an eye on the wooden balls, clinching the club in my hand. Draco turns to me and sneers, "They not letting a mudblood use real Bludgers? Or even practice with others? They ashamed?" I roll my eyes, hitting away one of the balls, and turn cautiously towards him. He falters before I even open my mouth. "As a matter of fact, they just don't have use for a third Beater when practicing, so I practice on my own. Oliver offered to practice with me, but I declined him. So if you don't mind, I'd like to return to practicing." With that I hop back onto the broom and soar upwards, dodging one of the balls during the rise. A moment later a small golden ball zooms past me, followed by Draco. "What do think you're doing? One of my Bludgers could hit you!" I scream after him. To prove my point both of them aim for him. Deftly, I send them flying away and turn to the smirking face of a twelve-year-old boy. "Then how about you keep them away? We can practice together, and maybe I can reconsider telling my father what you did." At my questioning look, he just shrugs and darts after the snitch. Which is how, half an hour later, I end up landing with him, both laughing hard. Although the moment we touch the ground he stalks off on his, reverting back to his snobbish self, I consider it a long awaited victory.

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