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Suddenly the bright light is gone and I look around.

Im in a hotel/apartment/ I don’t know.

Wait a second .

Wait for it there is something important I just need to figure out what.

I almost know it.

Hang on a sec will y aim trying to think here.


I never toughed I would ever say this but thank you for kidnapping me.

I look next to me and damon sits on the same couch as me.

“ now what is ur plan from here on “ I ask him .

He looks a bit dumbfound before smiling.

“ I keep you for ever “ he smileS.

Haha he if he only knew what will happen to him if he keeps me locked up for more then half an hour.

“ your weird “ I say to him.

His face falls for a minute before he pushes me out the couch.

“ go make me food “ he orders.

I fake salute him and walk around trying to find the kitchen.

Once I located that I search around.

A draw full of knifes.

A draw with utensils .

Cabinets full of plates , cups and all that shiz.

Wait go back…

I take a few steps back and reopen a draw .

What fool kidnaps me and keeps me in a house full of knifes?

Yeah I never toughed he would be that stupid.

Instead of trying to get away I make him a meal.

Hey im hungry myself so I better eat before I handle right?

After he eat his food I made he says he is going for a nap.

Go ahaid sleep sleep you ass.

I walk to the door and by magic poof I open it .

Not really dumb but forgot to lock it.

 As I set foot outside is top.

Hell no this cant be good right?

As far as you can see there is only hills. Gras. Forest. Cows.sheeps. flowers …

Yeah you get it right?

I shrug better start walking then .

I walk around until its completely dark .

Were to now?

Uh I need to keep walking.

But im tired.

Keep walking.

Hmm maybe I should forgive liam.


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