Chapter Ten: Hear me now

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I rolled out of bed, and then I changed out of my PJs, and into blue jeans and a pink hoodie-I didn’t give a damn what I looked like today, when Devan got out the shower I headed toward the bathroom to fix my hair and makeup. Devan was wearing black jeans and an Aeropostale tee. After I done my makeup and hair we headed off towards school. We walked inside the school building hand-in-hand. He let go of my hand when Ashley walked by. His ex girlfriend give me the evilest look ever. “Bitch!” I yelled.

She turned back around, and walked up to me. I knew she was planning on doing something awful-I knew she was going to hit me. I could see it happening. But she didn’t. I saw Alec running his way over to all of us. He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him. “Don’t you lay a hand on her Ashley!” he shouted into her face. “She’s pregnant. You’re not going to let her lose it, got me!”

I still hadn’t told him about the twin’s, I guess this might as well be the right time. “I’m having twins.” I told him.

Ashley walked closer to us. “You’re such a damn whore Britany.” I didn’t like where this was going. “I hope you fucking lose them! I bet you don’t even know who the father is.” I wanted to kill this bitch! I only slept with one guy, and he was just standing over there and watching this “cat fight” He wasn’t even on my side. And this bitch pretty much said she wanted his kids dead! Our unborn twins, why wasn’t he doing anything about this?

The only one who was taking my side was Alec. He was the only one who was saying anything to this bitch. “You can go right to hell Ashley! Just leave her alone, she doesn’t need this!” He was right indeed, I didn’t need this. He grabbed my hand once again and we both walked toward our lockers. We both got our bio text books out, after that we headed off to class.

“Thanks Alec.” I told him once we were in our class room. Today I was sitting with him, I didn’t want to be anywhere near Devan. “You’re the only one who said something to that bitch. Devan didn’t say shit! He just watched. What the hell?”

I saw Devan walked inside the room, his face darken when he saw me sitting beside Alec. He grabbed my arm, and dragged me out into the hall.

“You need to stay the hell away from Ashley.” He demanded, like I didn’t even know that already.

I tied to walk away from him, but he wouldn’t let me go. “We’re not done talking Brit.” He said hatefully. What’s his damn deal?

“We’re going to be late, the bell is about to ring!” I snapped. “Get your damn hand off from my arm, and let me go!” He nodded his head, and finally let go of my arm. I headed back into the class room. I took my seat beside Alec. He didn’t ask me what that was all about which I was kind of glad for, but he did had a worry look on his face. I have a feeling today wasn’t going to get any better anytime soon. I put my hand on my stomach when I felt one of them kick.

I went the rest of the day not talking to Devan, when lunch came along, I went over to sit with Alec and Angel with some other people I didn’t even knew. I looked around the lunch room and saw Devan sitting with Ashley. He told me to stay away from the insane bitch, but he wasn’t. I ate my food slowly, I hated today. After awhile, I got up to throw my food away but which I hadn’t because I came face-to-face with her.  I gazed over at the doors which would lead me out into the hallways and away from Ashley. That’s when I ran as fast as I could out of the doors. I heard footsteps behind me; I turned around slowly and wished to God I didn’t.

After Ashley punched me in eyes, she pushed me into the wall. “Don’t run away like that again bitch!” I felt pain rush through me, I started to cry, and I couldn’t help it. “Aw, now the poor baby going to cry.”

“I hadn’t done anything to you!” I shouted.

She narrowed her eyes. “You took Devan away from me! That’s what you did.” Really this was all of this was about? She’s crazy!

I tried to get up from the ground, but couldn’t. I was in way to much of pain. “So you want my unborn kids to die because Devan’s living with me? And because he likes me and not you!?”

She nodded her head. “Yes! You better watch your damn back! Who knows maybe it’s already too late to save your unborn twins.” She looked down at me. “Your head is bleeding.”

I let out a scream, when she grabbed my arm-she pulled me up from the marble floor and then she threw me back on the ground. I hit the floor hard. Everything around me was turning black; I knew I was going unconscious. I tried my best to stay conscious, but I knew I will lose this fight. “I hope you know while you’re doing this to me, you’re also over here killing Devan’s unborn kids.” It came out as a whispered but I knew she heard me. Just by the face she was making. Everything went black. I didn’t know how long I was unconscious for, but I felt someone arms around me and I heard a beeping sound right beside me. I was too weak to even try to open my eyes.

But I did heard voices. “This was my entire fault.” That voice belonged to Devan.

“Of course it was! Dumbass.” That was Angel. “She wouldn’t be like this, if you’re crazy ex didn’t get into the way.” Angel was pissed.

“Maybe ya’ll need to shut the fuck up!” I knew that was Alec. “She lost a lot of blood. She has been unconscious for two days. If you hadn’t found her Devan, who knows what would have happened.” He said two days!? That couldn’t be right? What about the twins? They weren’t talking about them. That worries me.

“I know this Alec!” Devan replied. “She might as well been dead for awhile, she looked like it.” I didn’t like the sound of that either.

I heard the door open. “Is she awake yet?” Someone asked.

“No Doc.” Replied Devan.

I heard footsteps getting closer to me, might as well try to open my eyes. And I did. My eyes flew open with all eyes on me. “Good, you’re awake now.” The doctor said to me. The old guy has glasses and dyed black hair. “We need to run some testes to see if your alright.” Again nothing about the twins.

I looked up at him. “What about my babies?” It came out as a whispered. I knew he heard me.

He had a worry look on his face. “Let’s not worry about that right now.” I wanted to cry. All I can is I am not afraid of the world that I have tried to push away. I fight everyday but I am to blame, I am not innocent. But I am not afraid. The song Hear me now by Secondhand Serenade went through my head. I lost all the things inside me, still I find myself without a will to free me from you. I’m a slave, unhappy.

Gosh that song fits me perfect right now. “What do you mean ‘let’s not worry about that’” I asked, this time I got my voice back.

I saw Devan walked out of the hospital room. This wasn’t good. I could feel it. But I don’t believe I lost them! They knew something, which I didn’t. They need to tell me what’s going on. And they need to talk fast.

“Ya’ll know something that I don’t! Tell me now.” I ordered them.

“I will come back half an hour and take you to get some test done.” The Doc said to me before leaving the room.

Angel spoke up. “They’re a life Brit. You just lost a lot of blood, which wasn’t good for you or the twins. But your didn’t lose them. I can promise you that.”

I saw Alec went pale white. “You almost did.” He said. “We weren’t sure if they were even going to make it, but somehow they did.”

Then why did Devan storm out for? “Where did Devan go?” I asked.

“I think to find Ashley.” He replied. “I think he wants her to pay for what she did to you. But we all know he won’t hit a girl, so more likely he will find someone to do the job for him.”

I know he will find someone, no doubt about that. Ashley needs to go to the crazy house!


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