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"When the skies and the grounds were one, the legends, through their twelve forces, nurtured the tree of life. An eye of red force created the evil which coveted the heart of tree of life, and the heart slowly grew dry. To tend and embrace the heart of tree of life, the legends hereby divide the tree in half and hide each side. Hence, time is over-turned and space turns askew. The twelve forces divide into two and create two suns that look alike into two worlds that seem alike. The legends travel apart. The legends shall now see the same sky but shall stand on different grounds, shall stand on the same ground but shall see different skies. The day the grounds be kept a single file before one sky in two worlds that seem alike, the legends will greet each other. The day the red force is purified, the twelve forces will reunite into one perfect root, a new world shall open up...."

However, little did they realize that in between both planes, there lied the Oracle, who from generations upon generations, became reincarnate and was descended onto the land of mortals, separated from her birth right by a glass frame...

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~The Plane of Mortals~

You woke up drowsily, in an unfixed bed in the most crooked position. Aching limbs were the only thing other than the bashful sound of the alarm clock that managed to stir you from another restless night. For some reason, through the past three weeks of high school, twelve unfamiliar yet strangely recognizable faces kept intruding in your dreams. All kneeling on the ground beneath them at your feet. Every visit, it seemed to be re occurring, that they were always cloaked head to toe in dark grey cloth, chanting one thing and one thing only....your name....

"Why do I keep having the same dream..." Unraveling both arms from around the pillow, you reached for the snooze button, sighing tiresomely.

The day had only just begun.

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Soon enough, you were on your way to high school. It was just another normal day, and nothing else. All your classes went by particularly smoothly, and it was fine. Though you always kept to yourself and your studies, there was the occasional letter or two from secret admirers only un enveloped to be thrown in the trash. A couple of people wondering, starting gossip at each step you took around the corridors. Nothing too bad, it was very, original, so to speak. No one knew about Seo Hyeonju, the girl with the Snow White hair, only child in her entire household, and her insane obsession with the drawings in her notebook. The guardians, that permeated every fiber of her being, and only spurred the curiosity of what kind of role they played in your life. Not even the fact, that you were born with the strangest ability to predict premonitions and precognitions of the things that were going to occur later in life. She lived alone, in an empty house. Though, not completely alone. She had maids and servants left to her by great relatives of the infamous Seo house. Knowing little about herself even, besides the archaic pendants around her slender neck, in shape of a crescent moon and sun gilded with black pearls, passed down by ancestors, and the deck of tarot cards you kept in your pocket. Everyone just thought it was a fashion statement. So did Hyeonju of course.

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On one fateful night, just after school ended, Seo Hyeonju took it upon herself to stroll alone on her way back to the feudal styled Korean mansion of hers. It was always nice, to walk around when the full moon was out. However there was an uncanny feeling in the air, and you couldn't help but think that someone was constantly watching. Every now and then, the little things spooked you. Branches flying in the heavy wind, the dawning light that showered down on your frail pale body, sudden rustling through patches of periwinkle colored roses, the cold frigid air that sent shivers down your spines. The ground always felt distilled, by slight vibrations, and it only seemed to take longer than it usually did getting home from school. Like, there wasn't even any progress being made. Each time you neared end of one street, you were at the beginning of another sidewalk. It had to have been the fifth time coming across the same sign.

EXO(엑소)TREE OF LIFE:《ORACLE》Where stories live. Discover now