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-xXx-     Unum                 -Oculus-              Sumus     -xXx-

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It was then and there when their sigil started to burn. From the surge of an overwhelming feeling of hope, reaches one world onto the other, calling forth the Gaurdians from their long awaited nature....

Ros, Gaurdian of Water and Primicerius of the six in their pack,K, reached the chamber of elements first. For it was the call of the mirror. At last, there was an answer.

"It's her." He looked at his hand in marvel; a smile crept onto his face. "She's finally returned." Now all that's left, was to seek her out. A lot of planning went into the day when the Oracle, who bared the heart of the tree itself, would be reborn into the world to guide them once more. Though there was still much to be done. The complexity of the matter at hand was still prevalent; no one knew just how to take it into action even with twelve gods sorting it out. So this was where they were to meet. At the border, which divided the two worlds.


Following behind at the command of Ros, were Ignis: Gaurdian of inferno, Lux: Gaurdian of Light, Itus: Gaurdian of Movement, Virtus: Gaurdian of Strength, and the Gaurdian of Wind, their youngest, Ventus.

On the opposing side of the border, Primicerius of the remaining six, M, stood clenching his fist at the sensation of the burning sigil. Volatus, Guardian of Flight, also known as the Dragon Wu Yi Fan. Along with Ros, the Serpent Kim Jun Myeon,  the two have been ranked into a higher power longer than any of the other ten, putting them in a dominant range as 'Leaders'. He led Mentis: Guardian of the Mind, Aevitas: Guardian of Time, Tempestatis: Guardian of Storm, Glacies: Gaurdian of Frost, and Sospitas: Gaurdian of Healing.

Removing the hood that shadowed his head, Volatus loomed to the pack of wolves behind him. "You must feel it too." The rest nod in response to the remark.

"Then, you know what has to be done." The divide other wise known as, EX'cernO, collapsed onto itself when the twelve stepped onto their designated mark in the chamber of elements. A glow misshaped the thick aer, deteriorating so that both packs could form into one.

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A phosphorescent moon engulfed the twelve, bringing forth the compelling sense of excitement, which was forfeited by the Gaurdians' withdrawal into the void.
Now in their true forms, they could roam around free. The florent breeze felt along their faces, while howling at the sky above. It was a blessing to be free again.

The pack stopped at a nearby river not too far from the Oracle's scent.

"What do we do when we get to her?" Asked Itus, who had been staring off in the direction of the mansion.

EXO(엑소)TREE OF LIFE:《ORACLE》Where stories live. Discover now