Chapter 1

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On a September afternoon, Saturday, an eighteen year old high school boy named Cain Angel was brutally murdered. He was an outgoing, kind, popular, and well-liked individual with big dreams and a strong motivation and thirst toward greatness and perfection; he was the star of his little family consisting a mother, father, and a younger brother. He was the very sun to his family, friends, and classmates until the light was sucked out of him on this tragic day, making the already cold September change into icy December. The peaceful days of the Angel family changed into a horrific event when the first screams of "Nooo!" was heard from the now dead Cain Angel.

What happened?

A dear brother laid on the floor, blood rushing out of his neck.

Why did it happen?

The father, Thomas Angel, walked over to the brother. His every step echoed through the room as he opened his arms, fists closed, and punched the brother. He jumped at Aran Angel and hit him over and over again. The mom glanced between the abused child and the dead one and chose the dead one.

What will become of us?

"No..." she whispered and fell on the floor. "Noooo!" Fat teardrops fell from her eyes as she looked up at the surviving brother. Her lips trampled and the teardrops increased at sight of her husband beating up their last son. "Nooo... STOP THAT! Stop it!" She hit the floor like a hysterical baby and crawled towards Cain Angel like the dead boy was her only shelter in the world. "No, no... Wake up, Cain. Wake up, wake up. WAKE THE HELL UP!!" she screamed and threw the body away. Realizing what she had done, she growled at the other son. Her voice was more similar to a snake than a human now. "What the hell have you done?" she hissed. "What have you done, you bastard!?"

Nothing, just getting beat up by Thomas Angel who luckily stopped hitting at his wife's voice. Instead of hurting others, he took out his cellphone and dialed 911.

"Calm down, darling. I will deal with this monster later."

The "monster" gasped for breath and looked at his dead brother. A smile formed on his lips at the most beautiful sight he has ever seen.

"He's dead, mom," I laughed. "That bastard died, mom. He won't ever come back to life."



Oh, and yeah.

That boy was me. And this is my story.

But first let me look at Cain, laying on the ground with a knife next to him, blood rushing out of him. The thought of him being dead was so beautiful, I knew it would ruin the whole day if the ambulance arrived here too early. The world would be an unjust place if he did not die either from blood loss or from the stab in his neck.

Too bad no one agreed with me. They thought making him bleed to death or even just to stab him on his neck was too brutal when it was quite the opposite. Such a death was too gentle for Cain Angel who should have died at his birth.

As if he could read my mind, Dad turned back to lift his fists to hit me, enraged by me. If he had not realized that he had to make his phone call to call the authorities here, I could have gotten seriously hurt.

As for me. I just laughed, because I couldn't care less.

"No, this is not a prank call," father said on the phone. "My son, Cain Angel, is murdered goddamnit!" He shut the phone close and took a sharp breath. He looked at me with eyes so apoplectic, he seemed ready to murder. He closed his fists and stormed towards me.

"No!" father jumped at me. "Nooo! Thomas, stop it! " mom screamed. Father's fists were only inches away from my face when he had to pull it back, and I simply couldn't contain my delight at seeing his pathetic attempts at hurting me fail. It shocked my mom, made her cry. I did not care. Only when her screaming changed into an annoying high pitched death cry was I bothered a lot. Did she have to be so crept out by my laugh? "And you shut your trap this instant or I will choke you to death! D-death!?" she wept in her hands, horrified by her own words.

"Yeah, you insolent monster." I looked at my father, ignoring my mom's words. "Why must you abuse your own child?" I smirked. "Or was I murdered by my relative just like Cain?"

"Shut up!"

He punched me. So I couldn't hear the police coming anymore, I couldn't react to anything. I only opened my eyes for a moment when they came to my room.

"I'm ready to make my confession," I muttered, grinning, and completely lost consciousness.

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